List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15162 National agriculture and fisheries modernization and industrialization plan 2021-2030 - Transforming the Philippine food system together agri-fishery industrialization book

15626 National Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization and Industrialization Plan 2021-2030: Transforming the Philippine Food System Together agriculture modernization plan; Philippines

Department of Agriculture, Philippines


11443 National Biotech Week: a convergence of efforts. biotechnology waste management global bio-enterprise Bt corn food and fiber production Proclamation Order No. 1053

Custado, Evangeline

biotech greenfields magazine

13846 National climate change action plan 2011-2028 climate change; food security; water sufficiency; ecological and environmental stability; human security; climate-smart industries and services; sustainable energy; knowledge; capacity development; monitoring and evaluation; Philippines weblinks

13732 National climate change adaptation: Emerging practices in monitoring and evaluation climate change adaptation; monitoring and evaluation; national tools; climate change risk; vulnerability assessment; national audits; climate expenditures weblinks

15264 National curriculum reforms in Japan from 1998 to 2018: A CDA on the possibility of sustainable development sustainable development; national curriculum reforms; criticism; Yutori education; Japan

Hiroshi Sato

serials journal of southeast asian education

9884 National demographic and health survey 2003: Philippines. household population housing characteristics women fertility family planning child mortality child health infant feeding HIV AIDS purch

14602 National environmental health action plan 2017-2022 sustainable development goals; air quality; health sector; chemical safety; food safety; solid waste management; water supply; sanitation; climate change; health impact assessment; communication and advocacy; funding; resource mobilization; monitoring and evaluation book

9883 National framework for physical planning 2001-2030. land use policy settlements development production land use protection land use infrastructure development demographic profile population food security water resources economic profile land degradation housing environmental impacts communications transportation energy disaster mitigation purch

208 National Housing Authority: Primer history housing policies programs delivery systems book