List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5389 Natuna sea incident - Singapore's experience. marine environment, oil pollution, communication, oil spill, Natuna Sea, Singapore,

Heah Eng Siang, Mark

serials tropical coasts

13775 Natural 15n abundance can aid the discrimination of organic and conventional rice rice; organic rice; nitrogen; organic fertilizers; paddy soil; synthetic fertilizer

Mizuhiko Nishida

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

12602 Natural and artificial regenerations in the rock dump site of abandoned mining area in Larap, Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte, Philippines. natural regeneration artificial regeneration dump site mining areas biomass carbon density carbon sequestration Jatropha curcas biofuels cost benefit analysis soil physical characteristics soil chemical characteristics reforestation

Abanto, Rusty G.


1625 Natural bio-active substances in tropical plants. Insect control tropical plants pesticidal activity botanochemicals plant extracts termites Targetes erecta Tinospora rumphii Plutella xylostella

Sanches, F.F.; Kanju Ohsawa (eds.)


8447 Natural calamities: A big challenge for crop production. calamities, crops, stalk and root, drought, vivipary,

Valiente, Rey

serials agriculture magazine

5693 Natural cocoa is best. cocoa antioxidants procyanidins serials the philippine agriculture magazine

2139 Natural disaster preparedness and education for sustainable development. natural disasters disaster preparedness education sustainable development country reports Maldives Thailand Indonesia India Bangladesh book

3007 Natural disasters and climate change in Asia. natural disaster; climate change; global warming; typhoon; drought; floods; geohazards; risk reduction; aerosol cloud; greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide sequestration book

10267 Natural disasters and how we cope. natural disasters volcanoes earthquakes tsunamis mudslides and landslides hurricanes cyclones typhoons storms tornadoes blizzards avalanches floods droughts fires diseases pest plagues purch

5879 Natural dye industry perks up in Aklan. dye common service facility TECHNICOM Indigofera tinctoria Curcuma longa Bixa orellana Caesalpinia sapan PTRI

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine