ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1184 | Navigating through the bureaucracy: Lessons in governance at the Department of Science and Technology. | bureaucracy governance re-engineering | Padolina, William G. |
book | working paper no. 99-09 |
6025 | NCRC-Visayas identify less harmful pesticides, viable biological control against brontispa. | Brontispa longissima coconut leaf beetle muscardine fungi earwigs pest control | Gerona, Zenaida D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4252 | NDA-assisted co-ops operate new milk facilities. | milk plant, cooperatives, fresh milk, KKMI, FEDDAFC, | serials | agriculture |
3368 | Nearshore fish resources and fisheries around Kigoma, Eastern coast of lake Tanganyika | Fisheries, | Ndaro, S.G.M. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
6080 | Needed: Program focused on dryland agriculture. | dryland agriculture sweet sorghum pigeonpea chickpea | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3092 | Needs and potential for rural youth development in Lao PDR. | national organizations national development policies youth issues international agencies | Anne Nielsen; Vanhmany Chanhsomphou |
book |
1286 | Neem pesticides in rice: Potential and limitations. | neem pest control botanical pesticides integrated pest management | Lim Guan Soon; Bottrell, Dale G. |
book |
5632 | Neem tree as ingredient for botanical insecticide. | neem uses pesticide azadirachtin neem powder neem oil | De Guzman, Christian |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4189 | Neem tree has lots of potential. | neem, herbs, Melia azadirach, medicinal plants, insecticide, | serials | agriculture |
806 | Neem: a tree for solving global problems - : Report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Board on Science and Technology for International Development National Research Council | Azadirachta indica uses growth plant viruses agroforestry reforestation drug plants neem insects organisms medicinal plants industrial products reforestation | book |