List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11415 My gene in a bottle? : Amazing!. biotechnology genetically modified crops deoxyribonucleic acid : DNA gene extraction Bt corn Dr. Asuncion K. Raymundo Institute of Biological Sciences University of the Philippines Los Baños

Mayuga, Jonathan L.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

13310 My goat story goat farming; income

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

13485 My lolo's 20-peso farm farm; technologies; coconut; advocacy

Salibio, Karl Louise M.

serials agriculture magazine

2300 Myanmar agriculture at a glance: 2006. climate population land resources water resources crop production agricultural input agro-industries agricultural export livestock forestry book

3121 Myanmar agriculture in brief : 2015. main cultivated crops in Myanmar Myanmar country data reform measures agricultural inputs international assistance book

2301 Myanmar agriculture IN BRIEF: 2007. cotton production population sugarcane coffee crop production soybean rubber agricultural inputs agricultural mechanization book

14120 Myanmar climate-smart agriculture strategy agriculture; food security; nutrition; agricultural production; policies; climate change adaptation; mitigation; climate change vulnerabilities; climate smart agriculture; vulnerabilities; climate risks; social mobilization; Myanmar book

14827 Myanmar country environmental analysis - Sustainability, peace, and prosperity: Forests, fisheries, and environmental management community forestry; community forest enterprise; sustainable livelihoods approach; value chain analysis; financial benefit-cost analysis; social impacts; environmental impacts; livelihood; well-being; Myanmar weblinks

9455 Myanmar Data on CD-ROM. socioeconomic data Myanmar statistical yearbook climate population employment agriculture, forestry, and mines coastal trade, investment, and transport monetary, education, and crime mass media and tourism cd

16328 Myanmar in economic transition: Constraints and related issues affecting the agriculture sector economy; policy issues; land policy; production policy; price policy; exchange rate policy; Myanmar

Soe, Tin

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)