List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4260 MUMMB helps to control gastrointestinal parasites in goat. medicated urea-molasses mineral block, feed supplement, gastrointestinal parasites, goat, serials agriculture

9240 Mung bean saves the day for town stricken by El Niño. resilience, balatong, drought-tolerant crop, Isabela,

Serquina, Nikki

serials agriculture magazine

4887 Mungbean as green manure increases yield. Green manure : Fertilizing, Vigna radiata, rhizobium,

Asis, Olive Rose M.

serials agriculture

1587 Mungbean varieties. Land preparation water management fertilization crop protection pests of plants plant diseases weed control harvesting soybeans varieties

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resources Research & Devt

book information bulletin no. 223/2002

866 Mungbean yellow mosaic diseases : Proceedings of an International workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, 2-3 July 1991 Vigna radiata plant viruses mungbeans growth yellow mosaic insect pests

Green, S.K.; Doo-Hwan Kim


7260 Mungo sprouts for healthy meals. mungbean mungo seeds togue sprouts nutrients price

Andam, Carlos J.

serials agriculture magazine

1419 Municipal agricultural and health extension performance in Laguna : Results of a 1998 survey.

Bergonia, Celsa B.

book working paper no. 00-02

16032 Municipal agricultural support in the Philippines: Has devolution led to locally responsive performance? rural development; Philippines

Lapitan, Aileen V.; Rejesus, Roderick M.

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2021 9-6

4631 Muñoz tilapia germplasm bank - World's first. tilapia, freshwater fish hatchery, cryopreserved spermatozoa, germplasm, Nueva Ecija,

Guerra, M.R.

serials agriculture

4668 Murraya 'Ibarra Santos': The Philippine dwarf kamuning. Murraya paniculata, orange jasmine, botanical description, cultural requirements, propagation, plant breeding, varietal development process, uses,

Aurigue, F.B.

serials agriculture