List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6663 Nesting habits of some hornet species (hymenoptera, vespidae) in northern Thailand. vespa spp nesting sites vespidae

Masao Nakamura; Saowapa Sonthichai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

13529 Nestle aids coffee farmers to avail of easy access credit credit program; PLEA; loans; DA-ACPC serials agriculture magazine

13275 Nestle Lipa coffee nursery adopts solar power solar system; alternative energy; coffee plantlets; irrigation serials agriculture magazine

3676 Net energy of sweet corn husk and cob silage calculated from digestibility in cows. silage, sweet corn, corn husk, cob, digestibility, cow,

Boonlom Cheva-Isarakul

serials the kasetsart journal

2131 Networking for development. networking networks typology electronic networks problems benefits animal traction networks legitimacy monitoring evaluation

Starkey, Paul


9690 Networks Inventory and Self-Assessment under the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of PGRFA. networks inventory global plan of action plant genetic resources regional networks international networks food and agriculture crop base cd

8173 Neuroscience in mathematics: An electroencephalographic study on fraction learning. neuroscience, mathematics, fraction,

Hoon, Ong P.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

14108 Neutrophilic granulocytic sarcoma and acute basophilic leukemia in cattle animal health; esterase staining; immunohistochemistry; myeloid leukemia; myeloid sarcoma; cattle

Maki Sekiguchi; Saori Yamaura; Takuya Oizumi; Tomoyuki Shibahara; Yoshiharu Ishikawa; Koichi Kadota

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4285 Never too old to do his brand of farming. fruits, longan, dragon fruit, jujube, star fruit, makopa, atis, papaya, serials agriculture

5802 New 4-in-1 portable smokehouse: The latest in fish smoking technology. fish smoking smokehouse processor equipment

Dela Cruz, Rita T.

serials agriculture magazine