List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3817 Meet the winner: a new flue-cured tobacco variety. Tobacco, fertilization, irrigation, insect control, harvesting,

Mapa Segundo

serials agriculture

4410 Meet three new rice varieties. rice, varieties, Matatag 3, Matatag 6, Angelica, pest resistance, disease resistance,

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

5793 Meet Tubigan 7, the first biotech rice variety. rice variety field trials DNA markers serials agriculture magazine

7089 Meet two trailblazers in organic banana production from Tarlac. banana production income investment

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine

2787 Meeting of Experts on NFE Policy and Programme for the Promotion of EFA (Education for All), Tokyo, 11-12 December 2009 - Final Report. education sustainable development adult education book

14377 Meeting policy challenges for a sustainable bioeconomy bioeconomy; biomass sustainability; biotechnology; genomics; food production; biorefinery; bio-based production; metabolic engineering; synthetic biology; industrial biotechnology; training; education weblinks

2850 Meeting the commitments on oceans, coasts, and small island developing states made at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development : How well are we doing? - Co-Chairs' Report - Volume 1 - Third Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands: Moving coastal and ocean management marine environment environmental protection biodiversity marine protected areas small islands integrated water resource management marine assessment millennium development goals

Cicin-Sain, Biliana; Vandeweerd, Veerle; Bernal, Patricio A.; Williams, Lindsey C.; Balgos, Miriam C.


14 Megacities: environmental challenges in the 21st century. population trends gross domestic product GDP land encroachment water supply sanitation solid waste disposal traffic congestion air pollution urban environment degradation book

10344 Megacity management in the Asian and Pacific Region, vols. 1&2. megacity management environmental management transport management land management private sector finance resource mobilization case studies

Stubbs, Jeffry; Clarke, Giles


16361 Megathyrsus maximus breeding: First generation of testcross progenies plant breeding; urochloa; progeny testing

Hernandez, Luis Miguel; Rios, Gonzalo; Jauregui, Rosa
