List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12404 Mass culture of Arthrospira platensis utilizing aerobically digested palm oil mill effluent (ADPOME). Arthrospira platensis blue green algae cell growth freshwater brackishwater Spirulina platensis biochemistry culture media water quality chlorophyll protein carbohydrate lipids fatty acids biochemical oxygen phosphorus phosphate optical density

Aguol, Kennedy Aaron


1470 Mass media and social change. mass media social development social change

Katz, Elihu; Szecsko, Tamas (eds.)


4557 Mass mortalities associated with viral nervous necrosis in hatchery-reared sea bass Lates calcarifer in the Philippines. aquaculture, piscine nodavirus, viral nervous necrosis, sea bass, virus, histopathology,

Yukio Maeno

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4811 Mass rearing cage for Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera philippinensis). cages, fruit flies,

Medina, F.I.S. III

serials araneta research journal

3825 Mass rearing of the entomophagous parasitoid Argyrophylax basifulva Bezzi (Diptera : Tachinidae) and its host, the coconut spike moth, Coconut spike moth, breeding, parasitoid, tachinid fly, rearing, Argyrophylax basifulva,

Gallego, Cynthia E.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

14151 Mass rearing protocol for Comperiella calauanica: A Biological control agent of the coconut scale insect coconut scale insect; Comperiella calauanica; Aspidiotus rigidus; parasitoid; parasitism; mass rearing; biological control; squash; mangosteen book pcaarrd information bulletin no. 97/2018

8994 Massive bamboo planting in Region 2 commences. bamboo, livelihood, fisheries, propagules, Ludong fish,

Prudencio. Max

serials agriculture magazine

15258 Massive open online courses and open educational resources in Singapore open educational resources; massive open online courses; issues; challenges; sustainability; Singapore

Education Technology Division, Ministry of Education (MoE) Singapore

serials journal of southeast asian education

9847 Mastering Crystal Reports 9. report writing reporting SQL computer programs

McCoy, C..; Maric, G.


10682 Mastering leadership: An integrated framework for breakthrough performance and extraordinary business results. leadership universal model reactive leadership

Anderson, Robert J.; Adams, William A.
