List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7157 Mangosteen: The queen of tropical fruits. mangosteen fruits medicinal properties uses planting

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

14074 Mangrove crab hatchery in Northern Luzon to be upgraded mangrove crab hatchery; PCAARRD; Pangasinan State University

Laranas, Jesselle S.

serials agriculture magazine

1780 Mangrove forest management guidelines. mangrove uses remote sensing surveys harvesting regeneration artificial regeneration yield environmental impact species delta formation fauna policy book fao forestry paper 117

3330 Mangrove forests and shrimp culture in Ngoc Hien District, Minh Hai province, Vietnam

Le Xuan Sinh

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

181 Mangrove forests: a valuable but threatened Indo-Pacific resource wildlife habitat distribution mangroves environmental stresses pollution economic value book adb agriculture department staff paper no. 5

925 Mangrove productivity mangroves South East Asia benthic productivity secondary productivity mangrove tree productivity techniques reforestation leaf litter production book pcarrd book series no.127

11449 Mangrove red snapper now bred in captivity. biotechnology mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus Southeast Asia Family Serranidae sea bass Lates calcarifer Block 1790 Family Lutjanidae fry production spawning LHRHa egg production

Ricafrente, M.V.

biotech greenfields magazine

15832 Mangrove rehabilitation in Ticao Island, Masbate, Philippines mangrove forest assessment; mangrove rehabilitation; species composition

Calumpong, Hilconida P.; Cadiz, Pablina L.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2012-4

15980 Mangroves for climate change adaptation: The case of Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam climate change; rice crop production; agriculture; Vietnam

Le Thi Hanh

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2011 1-2

14057 Mangyan mothers learn farming skills to jumpstart community on the road to self sufficiency farming; Mangyan; food insecurity; indigenous people organization; farming techniques; EastWest Seeds Inc; Zero Extreme Poverty; Mindoro serials agriculture magazine