List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10928 Managing biotechnology in AARD, Indonesia : Priorities, funding, and implementation. agricultural biotechnology food security research priority setting Indonesia human nutrition national agricultural development AARD

Sugiono Moeljopawiro

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

2888 Managing climate risks in the context of Angat Reservoir, Philippines. climate risks water allocation irrigated rice agriculture crop insurance system weather index

Elazegui, Dulce D.; Rola, Agnes C.; Rabang, Mary Jane M.; Conrad, Esther; Someshwar, Shiv


1235 Managing educational costs. cost analysis educational costs

Coombs, Philip H.; Hallak, Jacques


2068 Managing forests and improving the livelihoods of forest-dependent people : Reflections on CIFOR's social science research in relation to its mandate for generalisable strategic research. forest management non-timber forest products community-based management

Vayda, Andrew P.


9553 Managing Frontier Science : ISNAR's Biotechnology Contribution. biotechnology agriculture frontier science research policy and agricultural research economic analysis biosafety food and environment cd

10931 Managing genetic resources and biotechnology at IRRI's rice genebank. biotechnology conservation genebank IRRI isozyme electrophoresis genetic diversity rayada basmati Oryza sativa Oryza glumaepatula

Jackson, Michael

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

11234 Managing genetic resources and biotechnology at IRRI's rice genebank. biotechnology biodiversity plant genetics genebank IRRI

Jackson, Michael T.


8368 Managing hybrid rice in the early going. hybrid rice, seedling management, water management, fertilizer application,

Paraguison, Nelson

serials agriculture magazine

2081 Managing in developing countries: Strategic analysis and operating techniques. management international business enterprises environmental analysis industry structure business environment government relations finance inflation foreign-exchange exposure capital scarcity managing technology technology transfer marketing organization ownership cultural effects

Austin, James E.


9952 Managing in times of change: 24 tools for managers, individuals, and teams : The employee handbook for enhancing corporate performance. managers change organizational change industrial management reward team rumors employees

Maginn, Michael D.
