ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15639 | Nursery culture of tropical anguillid eels in the Philippines | eels; glass eels; breeding; life cycle; culture; transport; site requirement; water quality and management; nursery tanks; acclimatization; stocking density; feeds and feeding; nutritional requirement; growth and survival; disease and disease management | Aralar, Maria Lourdes C.; Aya, Frolan; Egia, Maria Rowena R.; Logronio, Dan Joseph |
book | aquaculture extension manual no. 65 |
2809 | Nursery management of grouper: a best-practice manual. | grouper tank culture pond culture stocking grouper fingerlings water quality management health management economic evaluation | Ismi, Suko; Sutarmat, Tatam; Girl, N.A.; Rimmer, Michael A.; Knuckey, M.J.; Berding, Anjanette C.; Sugama, Ketut |
book | aciar monograph no. 150 |
11389 | Nursing the coco industry back to life : Scientists develop coco-sugar, cloned coconut and makapuno. | galactomanan German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) tissue culture mass production clonal propagation embryo culture Philippine Coconut Authority RM Luis Cruz micropropagation organic biotechnology coco-sugar coconut makapuno products by-products organic coconut sugar coconut sap fructose socio-economic assessment bioecology sugar cane | biotech | biolife |
15904 | Nurturing nature and culture: Policy and customary perspectives on the indigenous forest management system chontog of Barangay Ekip, Bokod, Benguet | indigenous knowledge; indigenous peoples rights; environmental laws; ecological citizenship; cultural studies; Ibaloy; Philippines | Rabang, Roland Erwin P. |
book | up cids discussion paper 2020-02 |
14835 | Nurturing resilience in smallholder farming systems: Emerging insights from a Climate-Smart Village in Southern Shan State, Myanmar | smallholder farming systems; resilience; crop diversification; climate change; agriculture; food security; climate-smart agriculture; Myanmar | Barbon, Wilson John; Myae, Chan; Su, Myat Noe; Gonsalves, Julian |
weblinks |
4335 | Nurturing the beekeeping industry. | apiculture, honey production, economic viability, NARTDI, | Ogbinar, A.O. |
serials | agriculture |
9691 | Nurturing the Seeds of Cooperation : The Papaya Biotechnology Network of Southeast Asia. | papaya biotechnology network papaya ring spot virus (PRSV) resistant papaya delayed ripening trait technology and information papaya project video | cd |
9726 | Nurturing the Seeds of Cooperation: The Papaya Biotechnology Network of Southeast Asia. | Papaya, biotechnology, Papaya Ringspot Virus, | cd |
5076 | Nutria (Myocastor coypus). | aquatic mammal, | Reyes, C. |
serials | asean biodiversity |
11888 | Nutrient and productivity status of corn indigenous rotation schemes in upland alley cropping systems | agronomy corn maize upland cropping systems alley cropping winged beans lima beans | Payonga, Antonio P. |
theses |