List of Purchase : 985

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10352 Environmental indicators : A systematic approach to measuring and reporting on environmental policy performance in the context of sustainable development. A systematic approach to measuring and reporting on environmental policy performance in the context of sustainable development. environment pollution emission resource depletion biodiversity sustainable development greenhouse gas climate change ozone layer acidification eutrophication toxic substances solid wastes pollution index

Hammond, Allen; Adriaanse, Albert; Rodenburg, Eric; Bryant, Dirk; Woodward, Richard


9910 Environmental laws in the Philippines. environmental policy rules regulations laws mining sanitation garbage disposal penalty toxic substances hazardous wastes water code pollution control clean air act marine pollution dumping oil pollution ozone layer encroaching Pasig River purch

10356 Environmental management systems in Southeast Asia : Towards a green millennium. Towards a green millennium. environmental management sustainability cleaner production green productivity small and medium enterprises

Rao, Purba H.


10424 Environmental microbiology. Vibrio cholerae Drosophila melanogaster arthropod infectious diseases remote sensing Dermacentor variabilis Francisella tularensis Candida albicans Aspergillus fumigatus heavy metals toxicity testing hantavirus phagocytes cholera waterfowl climatic change phylochronology

Belic, Biljana (ed.)


10669 Environmental plant physiology. plant ecophysiology light carbon dioxide water nitrogen phosphorus temperature salinity soil pH flooding inorganic toxins organic toxins air pollutants

Wiley, Neil


9885 Environmental pollution: Monitoring and control. environmental analysis pollution analysis toxicology air pollution water pollution water treatment wastewater sewage treatment solid wastes hazardous wastes waste analysis biomedical wastes industrial wastes noise pollution odor thermal pollution radiation hazards radioactive wastes environmental impact analysis environmental modeling

Khopkar, S.M.


10499 Environmental science. environment earth systems ecology human population environmental change coasts watersheds rivers weather storms urbanization volcanoes earthquakes unstable land soil energy resources mining

American Geological Institute


14299 Environmental science: A global concern biomes; population biology; human populations; environmental health; food; hunger; organic farming; biodiversity; restoration ecology; climate change; air pollution; water use and management; sustainable energy; solid wastes; toxic wastes; hazardous wastes; urbanization; ecological economics; environmental policy

Cunningham, William P.; Cunningham, Mary Ann


10273 Environmental science: Earth as a living planet. environmental sciences human ecology biological diversity sustainable development biogeochemical cycles ecosystem management biogeography ecological restoration agriculture endangered species forests deforestation wildlife fisheries pollution toxicology energy fossil fuels nuclear energy water supply water pollution water treatment global warming El nino air pollution greenhouse effect ozone depletion minerals waste management

Botkin, Daniel B.; Keller, Edward A.


9933 Environmental science: Working with the earth. environmental problems sustainability ecosystems evolution biodiversity climate population ecology community ecology water water pollution air pollution human health human population urbanization toxicology climate change ozone depletion solid wastes hazardous wastes species interactions extinction wild species sustainable agriculture nonrenewable minerals energy resources risk analysis biological hazards geothermal energy

Miller, G.T. Jr.
