List of Purchase : 985

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10612 Microbiology: A systems approach. microorganisms viruses microbial genetics genetic engineering chemotherapy immunity infectious diseases

Cowan, Marjorie Kelly


9886 Microbiology: An introduction. microbiology microorganisms prokaryotes eukaryotes viruses viroids prions disease epidemiology pathogenicity urinary system reproductive system respiratory diseases digestive system cardiovascular system lymphatic system nervous system skin eyes viral diseases fungal diseases environmental microbiology soil microbiology industrial microbiology water treatment food microbiology

Tortora, G.J.; Funke, B.R.; Case, C.L.


16477 Microeconomic principles and problems: A pluralist introduction economics; capitalism; modern economic systems; markets; supply and demand; market structures; government intervention; microeconomic markets; labor markets; inequality; international microeconomics

Schneider, Geoffrey


10577 Microeconomics. markets prices supply and demand producers consumers cost of production equilibrium analysis

Pindyck, Robert S.; Rubinfeld, Daniel L.


10167 Microfinance handbook (Philippines). microfinance legal framework small and medium enterprises credit policy guidelines cooperatives microcredit interest rates Grameen Quedancor NAPC DTI

Favis-Villafuerte, Nelly


10320 Microsoft Access 2000: Developers's guide. computer software database management

Jones, Edward


10321 Microsoft FrontPage 2000: step by step. computer software web publishing web design

Active Education


9848 Microsoft Office Access 2003: All-in-one desk reference for dummies. database management

Simpson, A.; Young, M.L.; Barrows, A.


10319 Microsoft SQL server black book. servers replication triggers data manipulation error codes internet newsgroups

Dalton, Patrick


10290 Mindanao and the east ASEAN growth area: Proceedings of the 1995 seminar-workshops in Western Mindanao and the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. EAGA participation ARMM Mindanao Philippines

University of the Philippines for Integrative and Development Studies
