List of Purchase : 985

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10203 Nutrition now. nutrition food attitudes behavior digestion calories body weight anorexia nervosa bulimia pica sugars starches fiber diabetes alcohol proteins amino acids food allergies fats cholesterol heart disease vitamins minerals dietary supplements water health physical fitness pregnancy food safety malnutrition infant nutrition

Brown, Judith E.


10223 Oil you want to know about Philippine virgin coconut oil (VCO): Resourcebook. coconut oil virgin coconut oil entrepreneurs AIDS food coconut milk VCO processing malnourished children chemistry directory purch

10527 On the road to disaster: Gaps in Republic Act 9729 and Philippine Climate change policies. climate change Kyoto Protocol Copenhagen Summit global warming policy gaps government programs purch

10585 Operations and supply chain management. supply chain supply and demand job design work measurement learning curves

Jacobs, F. Robert; Chase, Richard B.


10667 Operations management. operations management forecasting process selection quality control supply chain management inventory management waiting line scheduling

Stevenson, William J.; Chuong, Sum Chee


10666 Operations management: sustainability and supply chain management. operations management project management forecasting sustainability total quality management process design supply chain management inventory material requirements planning simulation

Heizer, Jay; Render, Barry


12999 Organic farming organic farming, organic food, organic fertilizer, cultivation practices, biological pest control, nitrogen fixation, bioeffector, biopesticide, biocide, denitrification, diazotroph, trichodesmium purch

14196 Organic farming for sustainable agriculture organic farming; conventional farming methods; biofertilizers; soil fertility; nitrogen; phosphorus; potassium; crop protection; fertilizers; herbicides; insecticides; fungicides; crop rotation; lime; soil pH; green manure; sustainable agriculture; alternative cropping systems; urban agriculture; farming systems; cropping systems; multiple cropping; mixed cropping; agro-ecology purch

15238 Organic food systems: Meeting the needs of Southern Africa organic farming; food systems approach; climate change; participatory rural appraisal; value chain; water efficiency; energy efficiency; organic farmers; soil fertility; crop yields; urban agriculture; soil fumigation; pest and disease management; Southern Africa

Auerbach, Raymond (Ed.)


10264 Organization and management. management industrial revolution systematic management scientific management bureaucratic management strategic management organizing leadership motivating communication control systems management organization organization development organizational change corporate governance corporations theories of corporateness

Santos, Emmanuel T.
