List of Theses : 1587

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11772 Communication network and some factors in agricultural technology adoption Communication networks agricultural technology technology adoption Thailand

Narong Sompong


12289 Communication network of farmers in the sloping lands of Maria Paz, Tanauan, Batangas and their adoption behavior toward soil conservation development communication Communication network farmers sloping lands adoption behavior soil conservation Batangas Philippines

Floresca, Ofelia E.


12761 Communication pattern on the diffusion of transgenic potato seed at Garut and Pangalengan. communication pattern farmer's assessment diffusion of innovation GM potato genetically modified products biotechnology

Tika Tresnawati


12395 Communication strategies for sustainable development of community business for women farmer groups in the central region of Thailand. development communication communication strategy community organization community participation business women information sources sustainability Thailand

Choawalak Chaiwirattana


12192 Communication structure and processes in a national coordinating agency development communication communication structure communication processes

Paje, Glen L.


12124 Communication variables and adoption of recommended practices by rice, farmers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia development communication farmers development communication communication channels information-seeking behavior Indonesia

Anshari Syafar


12707 Community development methods toward food security: The system of rice intensification in Zumalai Sub-District, Covalima, Timor-Leste. food security system of rice intensification rice production livestock raising

Ergilio Ferreira Vicente


12531 Community dialogue, collective action, and social change in community integrated pest management in a selected village in Cambodia. communication, participation, dialogue, collective action, integrated pest management, farmer field school, adoption, social change, social pressure, leadership,

Ker Monthivuth


12736 Community dynamics in natural governance: building adaptive management capacity towards ecological sustainability. natural resource ecological sustainability complex social building adaptive management

Astrid Meilasari-Sugiana


12762 Community enterprise development as a strategy towards self-reliance among farmers in Surin province, Thailand. extension education; communication delivery system; self-reliance; diffusion of innovation; agricultural extension

Chalinee Somthawin
