List of Web links : 475

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14314 Agricultural indicators system - Output and productivity, Report No. 2019-3 agricultural crops; livestock; poultry; fish; production; area harvested; growth rates; yield indices; Philippines weblinks

14313 Agricultural indicators system - Prices and marketing of agricultural commodities, Report No. 2018 - 12 prices; marketing; palay; corn; rice; production; consumer price index; farm-wholesale price gap; farm-retail price gap; Philippines weblinks

15219 Agricultural innovation platforms: Framework for improving sustainable livelihoods in Africa. Forum for agricultural research in Africa (FARA), Accra Ghana agricultural innovation platforms; research and development; integrated agricultural and research for development; monitoring and evaluation; Africa

Fatunbi, A.O.; A Youdeowei, A.; Ohiomoba, S.I.; Adekunle, A.A; Akinbanijo, O.O.


14683 Agricultural policies in the Philippines agricultural policy; trends; evaluation; climate change adaptation; agricultural situation; production; productivity; farm incomes; poverty; food consumption; agro-food trade flows; agro-environmental situation; agricultural land tenure; land management system; domestic policies; Philippines weblinks

14375 Agricultural policy monitoring and evaluation 2018 agricultural policy; agricultural support; policy changes; assessment; emerging economies weblinks

14680 Agricultural policy monitoring and evaluation 2019 agricultural policy; agricultural support; assessment; Vietnam; Philippines weblinks

13736 Agricultural robotics: The future of robotic agriculture agricultural robotics; crop management; phenotyping; environmental benefits; precision agriculture weblinks

15308 Agricultural technology: Why does the level of agricultural production remain low despite increased investments in research and extension? technological promotion; adoption; agricultural growth; agricultural innovation systems; agricultural performance

Baconguis, Rowena T.

weblinks discussion paper series no. 2022-06

15045 Agriculture 4.0 – Agricultural robotics and automated equipment for sustainable crop production crop production; sustainability; precision agriculture; conventional farming; conservation agriculture; agricultural innovation; appropriate technology

Santos Valle, S. ; Kienzle, J.

weblinks integrated crop management, no. 24

13734 Agriculture 4.0: The future of farming technology agriculture industry; natural resources; degraded farmland; climate change; food waste; poverty; hunger; technologies; techniques; drone; genetic modification; vertical farming; urban farming; bioplastics; hydroponics; algae feedstock; government

De Clercq, Maathieu; Vats, Anshu; Biel, Alvaro
