List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15517 Prospects of nanotechnology in Indonesia's food and agriculture sector: From laboratory to industry nanotechnology; food; agriculture; regulation; policy; sustainability; Indonesia

Solikhin, Achmad; Fachruddin, Achmad; Pakusadewo, Baskoro; Kurniawan, Tegar; Anbumozhi, Venkatachalam

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2023-1

2619 Protected cultivation of high-value vegetable crops in the Philippines. protected cultivation greenhouse design and construction high-value vegetables benefits close-ground cover mulch raised beds soilless culture trellises geofibers book pcarrd book series no. 178/2009

2967 Protecting Filipino heritage : Laws and initiatives for the preservation of cultural property in the Philippines. cultural properties Filipino heritage movable cultural property Philippine National Museum book

2383 Protecting the ozone layer: Malaysia implementing the Montreal Protocol. ozone layer ozone depletion substances halons chlorofluorocarbons methyl bromide book

1058 Protection against atmospheric corrosion: Theories and methods atmosphere corrosion

Barton, Karel


177 Public expenditures on agriculture in Asia agricultural sector public expenditure Asia government expenditures book

15690 Public perception of agricultural biotechnology: 16 years after the public debates on GM crops biotechnology; perception; public health; regulations; safety issues; attitude; decision making; animal production; crops; GMO

Torres, Cleofe S.; Osalla, Ma. Teresita B.; Gopela, Juvy Leonarda N.; Torres, Dannah Mae S.


2873 Public-private community based institutions partnership: An approach towards sustainable agricultural and rural development : Report of the 30th RECA seminar held on 6-19 July 2008, Tokyo, Japan. rural development sustainable agriculture farmers' associations book

13742 Public-private partnership systems in the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia public-private partnership systems; policy; government support; Republic of Korea; Philippines; Indonesia

Kang-Soo Kim; Min-Woong Jung; Mee-Soo Park; Yoo-Eun Koh; Jin-Oh Kim

book adb economics working paper series no. 561

323 Purchasing power parity in Asian developing countries: a co-integration test Exchange rate

Min Tang; Butiong, R.Q.

book adb statistical report series no. 17