ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
739 | Rainfed rice production in the Philippines : a combined agronomic/economic study of Antique province. | Oryza sativa farming systems rainfed farming rice socioeconomic analysis | Menz, Kenneth M. (ed.) |
book | aciar technical reports 13 |
2106 | Rainfed rice: A sourcebook of best practices and strategies in Eastern India. | rainfed rice sustainability farming systems crop establishment varietal improvement breeding methods seed production weed management soil moisture water balance nutrient management pest control disease management rat management pesticides nutrient management tillage practices gender biodiversity participatory technology development Boro rice cultivation | Singh, V.P.; Singh, R.K. (eds.) |
book |
2299 | Rainforestation farming: A farmer's guide to biodiversity management for the Philippines. | rainforest nursery seed collection seed treatment potting planting harvesting timber species rainforestation farm | Margraf, Josef; Milan, Paciencia P. |
book |
2906 | Ramping up AFNR productivity: The integrated S&T agenda 2006-2010. | goat carabao milking swine poultry organic agriculture pollution waste management sloping land management banana mango jackfruit pummelo vegetables legumes rootcrops abaca bamboo biofuels disaster and hazard management natural disaster management hazard mitigation industrial tree plantation ecotourism biodiversity supply chain impact assessment human resources | book |
15553 | Rapid DNA-based analytical techniques to verify the authenticity of halal food - SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph Series No. 8 | halal food; laboratory analysis; DNA detection; nanotechnology; convection; multiplex; LAMP; RFLP; PCR; professorial chair | Shuhaimi Mustafa; Muhamad Firdaus Syahmi Sam-on |
book |
2260 | Rapid growth of selected Asian economies: Lessons and implications for agriculture and food security - China and India. | economic growth demographic changes agricultural production growth off-farm employment poverty rural development unemployment population income agricultural products expenditures price competitiveness diversification technology development China India | book | policy assistance series 1/2 - rap publication 2006/05 |
2261 | Rapid growth of selected Asian economies: Lessons and implications for agriculture and food security - Republic of Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. | economic growth agriculture industrial growth agricultural imports and exports cooperatives agricultural population food security farm income government budget policies private enterprises structural transformation Korea Thailand Vietnam | book | policy assistance series 1/3 - rap publication 2006/06 |
2259 | Rapid growth of selected Asian economies: Lessons and implications for agriculture and food security - Synthesis report. | economic growth poverty reduction food security agricultural production productivity government domestic policy reform China India Korea Thailand | book | policy assistance series 1/1 - rap publication 2006/04 |
1663 | Rats, mice and people : Rodent biology and management. | rodents pest management taxonomy fertility control population dynamics prey selection yield loss trapping infestation | Singleton, Grant R.; Hinds, Lyn A.; Krebs, Charles J.; Spratt, Dave M. (eds.) |
book | aciar monograph no.96 |
202 | Re-establishing agriculture as a priority for development policy in Sub-Saharan Africa | Agricultural development Economic development Sustainability Macroeconomic policies income Uruguay Round Agreement | Awudu Abdulai; Delgado, C.L. (eds.) |
book |