List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1161 Re-thinking policy support for small food processing enterprises. policy alternatives policy environment

Roa, J.B.; Tagarino, R.N.

book working paper no. 01-01

383 Reaching learners through telecommunications: management and leadership strategies for higher education telecommunications education system design staffing fiscal stability mapping marketing strategy policy issues

Duning, B.S.; Van Kekerix, M.J.; Zaborowski, L.M.


13651 Reaching the unreached in education in Asia-Pacific to meet the EFA Goals by 2015: A commitment to action education; inequality; Asia-Pacific book

119 Readings in human behavior in organizations human behavior organizations behavior motivation management organizational change

Pilar, N.N.; Rodriguez, R.A. (eds.)


15707 Reasserting the rural development agenda: Lessons learned and emerging challenges in Asia food security; poverty reduction; irrigation; water resource management; green revolution; ARD; agricultural extension systems

Balisacan, Arsenio M.; Fuwa, Nobuhiko


16669 Reassessing the impact of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program: Results of the third wave impact evaluation impact evaluation; social protection strategy; poverty; children; health; education; household welfare; Philippines

Orbeta, Aniceto C. Jr.; Melad, Kris Ann M.; Araos, Nina Victoria V.

book research paper series no. 2023-06

13188 Recent advances in diagnosis and prevention of fish and shrimp diseases in Southeast Asia Terminal Report of the Regional Fish Disease Project on Development of Fish Disease Inspection Methodologies for Artificially-Bred Seeds biology; pathogenesis; diseases; shrimp; Penaeus monodon; grouper; Epinephelus malabaricus; viral nervous necrosis; luminous vibriosis; crab; Scylla serata; parasitic diseases; marine fish; freshwater fish; chemical residues; aquaculture products; koi; Cypinus carpio; herpesvirus; epizootiology; book

1497 Recent developments in acacia planting: Proceedings of an international workshop held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 27-30 Oct 1997. acacia silviculture genetic improvement clonal tests insect pests inoculation wood properties Vietnam Philippines Australia Malaysia Thailand China

Turnbull, J.W.; Crompton, H.R.; Pinyopusarerk, K. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 82

1370 Recent developments, status and gaps in participatory watershed management education and training in Asia. Gender education training sustainability human resource development watershed management upland community forestry land use

Sharma, Prem N. (ed.)

book pwmta-farm field document no.6

818 Recent research on bamboos: Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, October 6-14, 1985, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China bamboos research Phyllostachys heteroclada Phyllostachys pubescens growth seedlings cultivation production diseases socio-economics rural development genetic diversity propagation utilization Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand

Rao, A.N.; Dhanarajan, G.; Sastry, C.B. (eds.)
