List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3058 Republic Act 10068 (Organic Agriculture Act of 2010) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). organic agriculture National Organic Agricultural Program Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards National Organic Agriculture Board book

369 Republic Act 8435: The Agriculture and Fisheries and Modernization Act of 1997 legislation fisheries credit research development extension human resource development marketing service irrigation Philippines book

3059 Republic Act 9003 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) - The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 ecological solid waste management book

1221 Republic Act No. 7905: An act to strengthen the implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program and for other purposes. book

1692 Research abstracts and key policy questions - Methodology workshop on environmental services and land use change : Bridging the gap between policy and research in Southeast Asia. forest fire biodiversity indigenous knowledge watershed water conservation

Tomich, Thomas P.; Thomas, David E.; van Noordwijk, Meine (eds.)


1165 Research and development and commercialization of hemorrhagic septicemia vaccine in cattle. septicemia vaccine animal health services producers cattle raising cost structure

Chupungco, A.R.

book working paper no. 01-05

1339 Research and development highlights of the NARRDS : 1988-1992. marine fisheries aquatic resources management aquaculture inland fisheries coastal resources management tuna fisheries red tide oceanography seaweeds coral reef book pcamrd book series no.16/1993

474 Research and Development of Fruits in the Asia-Pacific Region fruit production germplasm trade planting materials

Singh, R.B. (ed.)

book rapa publication 1993/9

779 Research and development prospects for faba bean : Report of a workshop held in Melbourne, Australia, March 28-29, 1994 Faba beans Industry Marketing International trade Productivity Germplasm

Piggin, Colin; Lack, Steven (eds.)

book aciar technical reports no.29

2025 Research and development strategies for the livestock sector in South-East Asia through national and international partnerships : Proceedings of a workshop held in Bangkok, thailand, 11-15 March 2002 livestock poultry enterprise poverty meat markets investment feeds genetics genomics research halal extenders meat processing FMD HACCP APHCA HOPE-A

A.S. Frio; G.D. Gray. (eds.)
