ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2248 | Rice in the seven arts. | rice Philippine culture traditional dance motion pictures theater arts music visual arts literature food | Zafaralla, Paul B. (ed.) |
book |
1951 | Rice integrated crop management: Towards a RiceCheck system in the Philippines : Proceedings of the First National Workshop on Rice Integrated Crop Management, 4-5 May 2004, PhilRice, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. | rice integrated crop management model food security poverty alleviation crop establishment high yielding varieties pest management water saving techniques nutrient management integrated pest management disease management insect pests weeds temperature global warming paddy rice milling industry food industry harvesting drying storage grain quality field establishment Palaytandaan GMA Rice Program Philippines | Redoña, E.D.; Castro, A.P.; Llanto, G.P. (eds.) |
book |
877 | Rice pest science and management | Korea India Philippines Europe rice pest DNA pest management pest ecology pest biology pathogen evolution pesticides | Teng, P.S.; Heong, K.L.; Moody, K. (eds.) |
book |
3165 | Rice postharvest technology in Vietnam : ADB-IRRI Postharvest Project "Strategic Research for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security in Asia". | post-harvest losses paddy harvesting paddy drying paddy storage rice milling | book |
712 | Rice production in Cambodia | Cambodia rice topography climate rice production farming systems ecosystems pest management farm mechanization fisheries soils varieties | Nesbitt, H.J. (ed.) |
book |
2531 | Rice production practices. | rice production Green Revolution varieties soil and nutrient management water management crop establishment pest and disease management integrated pest management biotechnology | Bautista, Eulito U.; Javier, Evelyn F. |
book | pids research paper series no. 2008-02 |
2318 | Rice research and production in the 21st century: Symposium honoring Robert F. Chandler, Jr. | rice production rice economy wheat rice breeding research and development Asia | Rockwood, W.G. (ed.) |
book |
1661 | Rice research for food security and poverty alleviation [proceedings]. | rice yield heterosis plant breeding pest management pest resistance weed management technology food security poverty abiotic stress nutrient management | Peng, S.; Hardy, B. (eds.) |
book |
728 | Rice research in Asia: Progress and priorities | Indonesia Philippines Thailand rice rice ecosystems ecosystem analysis economic principles genetic yield weeds production losses rice production | Evenson, R.E.; Herdt, R.W.; Hossain, M. (eds.) |
book |
732 | Rice roots: nutrient and water use | Rice Oryza sativa water use root growth genetic variation soil fertility nitrogen fixation | Kirk, G.J.D. (ed.) |
book |