List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15705 SEARCA's First 50 Years history; SEARCA

Tallafer, Lily L.


15735 SEARCA-WID Women in Development: Small research grants program for rural women food processing; micro-credit scheme; rural women; mushroom production; small research grant; Ahon sa Hirap

Toquero, Zenaida F.


2473 Second ASEAN state of the environment report 2000. geographical setting people economic development social development aquatic ecosystems terrestrial ecosystems atmosphere trade tourism sustainable development environmental issues book

2221 Second Philippines progress report on the millennium development goals. poverty education gender equality child mortality maternal health reproductive health HIV / AIDS environmental sustainability drugs safe drinking water book

1517 Secondary farmers of secondary crops? : Women and rootcrop livelihood in the Philippines. Rootcrops livelihood gender roles food security women genetic resource conservation sweet potato cassava production taro production book

13622 Sector briefing on climate change impacts and adaptation - Agriculture climate change; adaptation; agriculture; energy; health; transport; urban development; water supply; sanitation book

182 Sector paper on livestock policies livestock agricultural diversification food security livestock production poverty alleviation book adb agriculture department staff paper no.4

2774 Sectoral composition of China's economic growth, poverty reduction and inequality: Development and policy implications for Cambodia. poverty reduction economic growth poverty alleviation industrialization agriculture and rural development

Vathana, Roth

book cdri working paper series no. 68

2235 Sectoral perspectives on sustainable development. sustainable development environmental protection energy agriculture

Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development Programme

book sustainable development series

15706 Securing rice, reducing poverty: Challenges and policy directions organic farming; farm sustainability; food safety; supply chain; nutrition; rural finance; seed system; property rights; land reform; rice extension; water resources; irrigation development; poverty; securing rice; biotechnology

Balisacan, Arsenio M.; Sebastian, Leocadio S.
