List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2963 Rural development report 2011 : Decentralised approach to rural development and poverty alleviation. rural development poverty decentralization local government book

2870 Rural development: Afro-Asian perspective - Part 1 : Report of the retreat held at Hyderabad, India on 8-11 January 2007. rural development poverty alleviation gender issues women book

198 Rural employment creation in Asia and the Pacific rural employment employment creation policies Philippines Thailand Malaysia Indonesia Nepal Korea Sri Lanka China book

2523 Rural finance and microfinance development in transition countries in Southeast and East Asia. rural finance microfinance agricultural banks rural development banks microfinance banks financial cooperatives nongovernmental organizations

Fukui, Ryu; Llanto, Gilberto

book pids research paper series no. 2006-01

263 Rural finance for food security for the poor: implications for research and policy Food security rural finance saving behavior macroeconomic policies financial institutions

Zeller, Manfred; Schrieder, Gertrud; Von Braun, Joachim; Heidhues, Franz

book ifpri food policy review 4

2219 Rural finance in the Lao People's Democratic Republic: Demand, supply, and sustainability - Results of household and supplier surveys. rural finance financial services household savings household borrowing

Coleman, Brett E.; Wynne-Williams, Jon


13999 Rural finance in the Philippines: Issues and policy challenges rural finance; policy research

Llanto, Gilberto M.


241 Rural household members in grain postproduction systems Households postharvest handling Malaysia women rice postharvest systems

Frio, A.S.; Naewbanij, J.O. (eds.)


329 Rural institutional finance in Bangladesh and Nepal review and agenda for reforms rural finance credit programs loan recovery Bangladesh Nepal credit programs financial institutions

Chowdhury, A.H.M.N.; Garcia, M.C.

book adb occasional papers no.3

1707 Rural life improvement in Asia. rural development community development book