ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
776 | Root Crop Processing | root crops processing techniques traditional equipment potato yam aroids sweet potato cassava | book | food cycle technology source book no.5 |
2430 | Root crops in the Philippines: Status, potential, and policy issues. | root crops cassava sweet potato cowpea technology assessment credit policies Leyte | Librero, Aida R.; Palomar, Manuel K. (eds.) |
book | book series no. 111/1991 |
1812 | Roots and tubers for the 21st century : Trends, projections, and policy options. | roots tubers consumption production pesticides fertilizers water pollution biodiversity biotechnology | Scott, G.J.; Rosegrant, M.W.; Ringler, C. |
book | food, agriculture, and the environment, discussion paper 31 |
1840 | Roots and tubers in the global food system : A vision statement to the year 2020. | cassava potato sweetpotato yam feeds production trends utilization trends | Scott, G.J.; Best, R.; Rosegrant, M.; Bokanga, M. |
book |
683 | Rotary flash paddy dryer | Dryers rice farm equipment | Belonio, Alexis T. |
book | pcarrd book series no. 136 |
970 | Ruminant feeding systems utilizing fibrous agricultural residues - 1986 | ruminants feeding systems crop residues feeds supplements rice straw | book |
971 | Ruminant feeding systems utilizing fibrous agricultural residues - 1987 | ruminants feeding systems crop residues baby corn sugarcane rice straw supplementation peanut residue | Dixon, R.M. (ed.) |
book |
984 | Ruminant nutrition and production in the tropics and subtropics | Indonesia Malaysia Australia animal nutrition feed intake nitrogen transactions feed intake feeding management ruminant livestock | Barkie, B.; Hogan, J.; Liang, J.B.; Tareque, A.M.M.; Upadhyay, R.C. |
book | aciar monograph no.36 |
2148 | Rural and tribal women in agrobiodiversity conservation : An Indian case study. | women gender issues agrobiodiversity conservation measures gene bank community herbarium genetic resources on-farm conservation seed exchange varietal losses | book |
1708 | Rural development and environmental conservation. | rural development environment conservation rural poverty | book |