List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1324 Sandal and its products : Proceedings of an international seminar held on 18-19 December 1997. Sandalwood biotechnology silviculture tree improvement plant diseases pests of plants oil clonal propagation micrografting germination

Radomiljac, A.M.; Ananthapadmanabho, H.S.; Welbourn, R.M.; Satyanarayana Rao, K. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 84

1323 Sandalwood in the Pacific region : Proceedings of a symposium held on 2 June 1991 at the XVII Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii. Santalum conservation silviculture species harvesting marketing growth rates

McKinnell, F.H. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no. 49

15477 Sandfish processing into beche-de-mer: Training module sandfish; biology; catching; harvesting; processing; grading; consumption; trade; hazards; good manufacturing practice; sanitation; HACCP

Bassig, Rosa A.; Dela Cruz, Lea Mae S.


1853 SAPPRAD on the third year of phase III - Selected research papers, July 1993 - June 1994 [Volume 2: Sweetpotato]. sweetpotato genotypes cultivation cultural control nitrogen biofertilizer integrated pest management weevil varieties inorganic fertilizer flour strains Azospirillum variety evaluation

Rasco, E.T. Jr.; Amante, V.d.R. (eds.)


1162 Saving a river: Role of local governments in sustainable resource management. water laws policy tracking rivers Maagnao River Bukidnon

Rola, A.C.

book working paper no. 01-02

339 Saving transitions in Southeast Asia life cycle hypothesis financial policy income growth population change savings

Harrigan, Frank

book adb edrc report series no.64

15858 Scaling up agroforestry promotion for sustainable development of selected smallholder farmers in the Philippines agroforestry; sustainable development; food security; upland farms; food accessibility; food utilization

Comia, Reynaldo A.; Landicho, Leila D.; Baliton, Romnick S.; Cabahug, Baliton, Rowena Ezpranza D.; Paelmo, Roselyn F.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2017-4

2275 Scaling up landcare in the Philippines: Issues, methods and strategies. landcare rural development scaling up environmental degradation rural poverty natural resources management environmental governance Claveria Lantapan Malitbog

Catacutan, Delia C.


2360 Scenario planning to guide long-term investments in agricultural science and technology: Theory and practice from a case study on India. ecosystem assessment genetically modified crops scenario thinking scenario development scenario planning process

Rajalahti, Riikka; van der Hiejden, Kees; Janssen, Willem; Pehu, Eija

book agriculture and rural development discussion paper 29

16601 Scenes, sense, sites: Reasons to love Laguna culture; tourism; natural wonders; flora and fauna; local industries; institutions; heritage; towns; cities; artists; food culture and heritage; churches; festivals; Laguna book