ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1324 | Sandal and its products : Proceedings of an international seminar held on 18-19 December 1997. | Sandalwood biotechnology silviculture tree improvement plant diseases pests of plants oil clonal propagation micrografting germination | Radomiljac, A.M.; Ananthapadmanabho, H.S.; Welbourn, R.M.; Satyanarayana Rao, K. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 84 |
1323 | Sandalwood in the Pacific region : Proceedings of a symposium held on 2 June 1991 at the XVII Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii. | Santalum conservation silviculture species harvesting marketing growth rates | McKinnell, F.H. (ed.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 49 |
15477 | Sandfish processing into beche-de-mer: Training module | sandfish; biology; catching; harvesting; processing; grading; consumption; trade; hazards; good manufacturing practice; sanitation; HACCP | Bassig, Rosa A.; Dela Cruz, Lea Mae S. |
book |
1853 | SAPPRAD on the third year of phase III - Selected research papers, July 1993 - June 1994 [Volume 2: Sweetpotato]. | sweetpotato genotypes cultivation cultural control nitrogen biofertilizer integrated pest management weevil varieties inorganic fertilizer flour strains Azospirillum variety evaluation | Rasco, E.T. Jr.; Amante, V.d.R. (eds.) |
book |
1162 | Saving a river: Role of local governments in sustainable resource management. | water laws policy tracking rivers Maagnao River Bukidnon | Rola, A.C. |
book | working paper no. 01-02 |
339 | Saving transitions in Southeast Asia | life cycle hypothesis financial policy income growth population change savings | Harrigan, Frank |
book | adb edrc report series no.64 |
15858 | Scaling up agroforestry promotion for sustainable development of selected smallholder farmers in the Philippines | agroforestry; sustainable development; food security; upland farms; food accessibility; food utilization | Comia, Reynaldo A.; Landicho, Leila D.; Baliton, Romnick S.; Cabahug, Baliton, Rowena Ezpranza D.; Paelmo, Roselyn F. |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2017-4 |
2275 | Scaling up landcare in the Philippines: Issues, methods and strategies. | landcare rural development scaling up environmental degradation rural poverty natural resources management environmental governance Claveria Lantapan Malitbog | Catacutan, Delia C. |
book |
2360 | Scenario planning to guide long-term investments in agricultural science and technology: Theory and practice from a case study on India. | ecosystem assessment genetically modified crops scenario thinking scenario development scenario planning process | Rajalahti, Riikka; van der Hiejden, Kees; Janssen, Willem; Pehu, Eija |
book | agriculture and rural development discussion paper 29 |
16601 | Scenes, sense, sites: Reasons to love Laguna | culture; tourism; natural wonders; flora and fauna; local industries; institutions; heritage; towns; cities; artists; food culture and heritage; churches; festivals; Laguna | book |