List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16369 Scientific Conference Proceedings: Backcross abaca with native and desirable accessions to lift up the abaca industry (BANDALA) abaca; bunchy top disease; database; genetic variability; hybrids; growth; performance; tensile strength; microscopy analysis book pcaarrd information bulletin no. 124/2023

679 Scientific management of germplasm: characterization, evaluation and enhancement germplasm genetic variation insect pests sweet potatoes peanut maize tobacco insect genetic resources

Stalker, H.T.; Chapman, C. (eds.)

book ipbgr training courses: lecture series. 2

393 Scientific research and social goals: towards a new development model human needs research methodologies regional approaches

Mayor, Federico (ed.)


1319 Scoring and analysis guide for assessing human well-being. forest management quantitative analysis CatPac software package

Agus Salim; Pierce Colfer, Carol J.; McDougall, Cynthia

book 7 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series

15823 Screening of local marine microalgae for biodiesel production biodiesel production; microalgae

Nurachman, Zeily; Panggabean, Lily Maria Goretti; Anita, Syahfitri

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2010-3

1636 SCUAF Version 4: A model to estimate soil changes under agriculture, agroforestry and forestry. Computer model land use systems soil changes agroforestry plant growth economic analysis

Young, A.; Menz, K.; Muraya, P.; Smith, C.

book aciar technical reports series no. 41

16366 SDG guidebook for Thai listed companies sustainable development goals; sustainable development; impacts; stakeholders; business practices; self assessment tool; monitoring results book

2537 Sea level rise in South Kalimantan, Indonesia - An economic analysis of adaptation strategies in agriculture. sea level rise costs and benefits farm-dike establishment relocation agriculture Indonesia

Saidy, Akhmad R.; Yusuf Azis

book research report no. 2009-rr1

15407 SEAMEO toolkit for remote teaching and learning remote teaching and learning

Valenzuela, Ethel Agnes P.


15843 SEARCA research thrusts and programs through the years: The way toward food security poverty; climate change; agricultural competitiveness; food security; DPS

Depositario, Dinah Pura T.; Saguiguit, Jr., Gil C.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2014-5