List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2124 Rice science: Innovations and impact for livelihood. rice food security research production technological advances poverty plant breeding genetics genomics molecular markers nutritional quality biology crop management climate change photosynthesis mechanization poverty alleviation natural resource management trade liberalization biotechnology genetic analysis embryonic cell growth mutation biofortification golden rice plant breeding drying storage milling practices power tillers biomass energy biomethanol pesticide integrated pest management irrigation system WTO Southeast Asia China Philippines Korea Japan India Australia

Mew, T.W.; Brar, D.S.; Peng, S.; Dawe, D.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


973 Rice straw as a feed for ruminants rice straw animal feeding ruminants feeding value breeding diets supplementation

Doyle, P.T.; Devendra, C.; Pearce, G.R.


3050 Rice that Filipinos grow and eat. rice varieties IR64 IR8 land use scented rice varieties micronutrients rice bran

De Leon, John C.

book pids research paper series no. 2011-01

2489 Rice tissue culture planning conference. rice tissue culture protoplast anther culture regeneration haplomethod cryopreservation Korea Taiwan book

2719 Rice-maize systems in Asia: current situation and potential. rice maize crop simulation models yield hybrid rice agroecosystems

Timsina, J.; Buresh, R.J.; Dobermann, A.; Dixon, J.


1279 Rice: Nutrient disorders and nutrient management. nutrient management rice eocsystems mineral deficiencies mineral toxicities tools

Dobermann, Achim; Fairhurst, Thomas


726 Rice: Then and now. Rice History Provenance Rice production Breeding Water control Trade Philippines Myanmar Technology Climate

Huke, R.E.; Huke, E.H.


438 Riceland spiders of South and Southeast Asia spiders external anatomy life history classification families spider diversity

Barrion, A.T.; Litsinger, J.A.


15748 Ripples of hope over troubled waters: The Calancan Bay experience marcopper mining; coastal resources; coastal ecosystems

Fellizar, Francisco P.; Velo, Wanah Maria Ayesa H.; Bernardo, Robert G.


2419 Rise with rice. hybrid rice, rice coffee, carbonized rice hull, modified dry direct seeding, farmers, Philippines,

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.
