List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
537 Returns to investments in the generation and transfer of rice technology in Uruguay investments technology transfer rice research Uruguay

Echeverria, R.G.

book isnar working paper no.30

2916 Returns to research and development investments for genetically modified (GM) abaca. abaca industry financial assessment societal benefits technology adoption

Dumayas, Elvira E.; Rola, Agnes C.; Elazegui, Dulce D. (eds.)


3145 Review and assessment of programs offered by state universities and colleges. state universities and colleges Commission on Higher Education

Manasan, Rosario; Parel, Danileen Kristel


13861 Review and assessment of Students Grants-in-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation (SGP-PA) and expanded SGP-PA: Evidence of performance in the first two years higher education; grants-in-aid program; academic performance

Silfverberg, Denise V.; Orbeta, Aniceto C. Jr.

book research paper series no. 2017-02

1076 Review of advances in plant biotechology, 1985-88: 2nd International Symposium on Genetic Manipulation in Crops, 29-31 August 1988 anther culture haploid breeding protoplast culture somatic hybridization hybridization somatic embryogenesis somaclonal variation genetic manipulation

Mujeeb-Kazi, A.; Stich, L.A. (eds.)


2741 Review of agricultural policy and policy research: A policy discussion paper. agriculture poverty reduction paddy rice production water resource policy irrigation water management food security climate change millennium development goals national strategic development plan

Vuthy, Theng; Ra, Koy


1728 Revisiting growth and poverty reduction in Indonesia: What do subnational data show?. poverty reduction economic growth Indonesia

Balisacan, Arsenio M.; Pernia, Ernesto M.; Asra, Abuzar

book erd working paper series no. 25

16538 Revitalizing Philippine irrigation: A systems and governance assessment for the 21st century irrigation; agricultural development; national irrigation systems; communal irrigation systems; water resources; governance; free irrigation policy; benefit-cost analysis; Philippines

Briones, Roehlano M. (Ed.)


15753 Revitalizing the Philippine agricultural extension system: Proposed pluralistic national agricultural extension policy and program framework policy environment; agricultural extension system; poverty reduction

Cardenas, Virginia R.


14348 Reworking the land: A review of literature on the role of mitigation and remittances in the rural livelihoods of Southeast Asia mitigation; remittances; livelihoods; migration

Cole, Rob; Wong, Grace; Brockhaus, Maria

book working paper 187