List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16131 Rural transformation in the Philippines: A development agenda rural transformation; agricultural and rural development; Philippines

Custodio, Karen Q.; Sombilla, Mercedita A.


15731 Rural-urban linkages, strategic alliances, and quality assurances: Emerging responses to current agro-industrial agribusiness enterprise; rural urban linkages; agro industrial; quality assurance; SMEs; Mindanao

Manalili, Nerlita M.


2953 SADC Planning Workshop on Newcastle Disease Control in Village Chickens. chickens poultry livestock diseases vaccines disease control poultry production chicken chicken losses

Mundle, Sudipto; Van Arkadie, Brian


2158 Safer selection and use of pesticides : Integrating risk assessment, monitoring and management of pesticides. pesticides risk assessment monitoring ELISA integrated pest management risk management

Crossan, Angus N.; Nguyen Thi Thu Trang; Pham Ngoc Ha; Kennedy, Ivan R. (eds.)


622 Saline agriculture for irrigated land in Pakistan: a handbook. climate salinity waterlogging trees saltbush

Qureshi, R.H.; Barrett-Lennard, E.G.

book aciar monograph no. 50

2735 Salinity reduction in tannery effluents in India and Australia. leather industry salinity reduction

Fisher, Hayden; Pearce, David

book impact assessment series 61

617 Salt-affected soils in Northeast Thailand their salinization and amelioration salinization watershed saline soil

Kazunori Kohyama; Terdsak Subhasaram

book adrc technical paper no.12

1324 Sandal and its products : Proceedings of an international seminar held on 18-19 December 1997. Sandalwood biotechnology silviculture tree improvement plant diseases pests of plants oil clonal propagation micrografting germination

Radomiljac, A.M.; Ananthapadmanabho, H.S.; Welbourn, R.M.; Satyanarayana Rao, K. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 84

1323 Sandalwood in the Pacific region : Proceedings of a symposium held on 2 June 1991 at the XVII Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii. Santalum conservation silviculture species harvesting marketing growth rates

McKinnell, F.H. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no. 49

15477 Sandfish processing into beche-de-mer: Training module sandfish; biology; catching; harvesting; processing; grading; consumption; trade; hazards; good manufacturing practice; sanitation; HACCP

Bassig, Rosa A.; Dela Cruz, Lea Mae S.
