List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8 Simulation of growth and yield of the potato crop modelling approach canopy climate photosynthesis vegetative growth organ initiation

Ng, E.; Loomis, R.S.


1065 Simulation of pollution by soil erosion and soil nutrient loss simulation model nutrient losses

Haith, D.A.; Tubbs, L.J.; Pickering, N.B.


1023 Singapore's urban coastal area: Strategies for management Singapore coastal area management coastal resources pollution tourism land use planning renewable resources coral reefs manufacturing industries

Chia Lin Sien

book iclarm technical report no.31

3063 Singing Asia to live together. Indonesia Malaysia Mongolia Philippines Republic of Korea Sri Lanka Uzbekistan book

1846 Site management and productivity in tropical plantation forests : Workshop proceedings, 16-20 February 1998, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Eucalyptus Acacia mangium pine Chinese fir plantations site management nutrient cycling

Nambiar, E.K.S.; Cossalter, C.; Tiarks, A. (eds.)


3032 Six-legged livestock: Edible insects farming, collecting, and marketing in Thailand. insects Thailand cricket palm weevil larvae weaver ants edible insect consumption farmed edible insects wild-harvested edible insects edible insect markets imported insect products book

672 Small farm equipment for developing countries : Proceedings of the international coference on small farm equipment for developing countries: past experiences and future priorities, Sep 2-6, 1985 Philippines Indonesia Thailand farm equipment agricultural mechanization Developing countries harvesting soil fertility seeding planting plant protection threshing grain drying irrigation land preparation book

15230 Small farms in Asia - Revitalizing agricultural production, food security, and rural prosperity farms; farm management; small farms; rainfed areas; animal production systems; development strategies; policy issues; agricultural growth; consumer preferences; Green Revolution; natural resource management; ruminants; feed resources; food security; gender equality; food production; access to delivery systems

Devendra, C.


985 Small ruminant production systems network for Asia : Proceedings of the inaugural meeting and launching of the Asian Small Ruminant Information Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21-23 August 1989 ruminants networking research and development goat production Asia Indonesia Philippines Thailand Vietnam Malaysia

Devendra, C. (ed.)


1082 Small-scale food processing contributing to food security : Proceedings of the international workshop held from 4-8 September 1995 in Bonn - Rottgen, Germany oilseed processing root crops tuber crops cereal pulses food processing

Richter, Jurgen; Basler, Alois; Franzen, H. (eds.)
