List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
646 Soil conservation handbook erosion pumping facilities ditches cover crops mulching contour planting green manure book fftc book series no.11

618 Soil constraints on sustainable plant production in the tropics Thailand Malaysia Indonesia agroforestry systems soil productivity vertisols alfisols soil fertility sustainability peat soils legumes acid soils land management book tropical agriculture research series no.24

1669 Soil degradation : A threat to developing-country food security by 2020?. soil degradation food security

Scherr, Sara J.

book food, agriculture, and the environment discussion paper 27

1140 Soil erosion and soil conservation in the Philippines: Some traditional and modern practices Philippines soil erosion soil conservation Imperata Ikalahans cropping practices stone walls terracing

Sajise, Percy E.


13740 Soil fertility improvement with indigenous resources in lowland rice ecologies in Ghana soil fertility; lowland rice production system; lowland rice cultivation; poultry; seed; fertilizer; organic matter; rice straw application; poultry manure; phosphate rock; indigenous knowledge; biochar application; animal manure book jircas working report no.86

2506 Soil fertility in sweetpotato-based cropping systems in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. sweetpotato cultivation genetics diseases soil management soil conservation tillage management practices soil structural properties soil fertility management Papua New Guinea

Kirchhof, Gunnar (ed.)

book aciar technical reports no. 71

614 Soil organic matter management for sustainable agriculture : a workshop held in Ubon, Thailand, 24-26 August 1994. a workshop held in Ubon, Thailand, 24-26 August 1994. Thailand Bangladesh Philippines Australia Brazil Indonesia India Lao PDR South Pacific Malaysia Vietnam Organic matter Soils Soil management Soil fertility Soil structure Sustainability Sustainable agriculture Agroforestry

Lefroy, R.D.B.; Blair, G.J.; Craswell, E.T. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.56

619 Soil physical properties: measurement and use in rice-based cropping systems soil hydraulic properties soil-water interactions rooting patterns soil sampling GIS spatial sampling water retention Oryza sativa

Wopereis, M.; Kropff, M.; Bouma, J.; Van Wijk, A.; Woodhead, T.


620 Soil physics and rice hydrology soil-water relations soil management rice salinity alkalinity puddling tillage water use root behavior book

1802 Soil science and sustainable land management in the tropics. soil erosion organic matter soil fertility soil science sedimentation agrohydrological modelling nitrogen fixation agroforestry practices sustainability

Syers, J.K.; Rimmer, D.L. (eds.)
