List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
619 Soil physical properties: measurement and use in rice-based cropping systems soil hydraulic properties soil-water interactions rooting patterns soil sampling GIS spatial sampling water retention Oryza sativa

Wopereis, M.; Kropff, M.; Bouma, J.; Van Wijk, A.; Woodhead, T.


620 Soil physics and rice hydrology soil-water relations soil management rice salinity alkalinity puddling tillage water use root behavior book

1802 Soil science and sustainable land management in the tropics. soil erosion organic matter soil fertility soil science sedimentation agrohydrological modelling nitrogen fixation agroforestry practices sustainability

Syers, J.K.; Rimmer, D.L. (eds.)


14555 Solar desalination for the 21st century: a review of modern technologies and researches on desalination coupled to renewable energies solar desalination; renewable energy; solar energy book

1070 Solar energy engineering solar energy solar irradiance heat transfer solar furnaces refrigeration water desalination

Sayigh, A.A.M. (ed.)


2030 Solid waste segregation and recycling in Metro Manila: Household attitudes and behavior. solid waste management recycling waste minimization waste segregation resource recovery waste generation Municipal Solid Waste Profiling economic benefits garbage fees Philippines

Bennagen, Eugenia C.; Nepomuceno, Georgina; Covar, Ramil


327 Some aspects of land administration in Indonesia: implications for bank operations agrarian law land registration land acquisition Indonesia

Sutanu Behuria

book adb occasional papers no.10

1117 Some soil biological processes in traditional agriculture soil biology soil nutrients

Sajise, Percy E.; Cuevas, Virginia C.


2487 Some success stories in classical biological control of agricultural pests in India. biological control prickly pear water fern water hyacinth cottony cushion scale mealybug San Jose Scale woolly aphid whitefly psyllid carrot weed Lantana Siam weed Crofton weed aquatic weeds

Singh, S.P.


1099 Sorghum and the millets: Their composition and nutritive value sorghum millets protein carbohydrates lipid analysis minerals vitamins sugars cellulose pentosans polyphenols toxins nomenclature nutrients inorganic elements chemical composition grain processing feeds flours milling

Hulse, Joseph H.; Laing, Evangeline M.; Pearson, Odette E.
