List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
843 State of the art and abstract bibliography: Papaya research Carica papaya Papaya commodity industry crop improvement production management crop protection postharvest handling storage food processing marketing pest control diseases propagation planting book crop series no.14

1105 State of the art and abstract bibliography: Sorghum Research Philippines sorghum production technology cultural methods uses disease management insect management cropping systems feeds marketing book pcarrd crops state of the art and abstract bibliography series no.10

14030 State of the Philippine climate 2015-2016 temperature; rainfall; monsoon; tropical cyclone; climate anomalies; el nino; climate trends; Philippines book

85 State-of-the-art in biotechnology for agriculture, forestry and environment in the Philippines biotechnology policies commercialization investments crop biotechnology forest biotechnology livestock biotechnology microbial biotechnology environmental biotechnology Philippines

Chupungco, A.R.; Cabanilla, L.S.; Navarro, M.J.

book working paper no. 98-08

578 Statistical analysis and interpretation of intercropping research. field experimentation yield stability statistical methods

Waego Hadi Nugroho


906 Statistical and mathematical methods in population dynamics and pest control : Proceedings of a meeting of the EC Expert's Group, Parma October 26-28, 1983 population pest control data collection pest management

Cavalloro, R. (ed.)


214 Statistical methods for food and agriculture Statistical methods business statistics linear regression multiple regression correlation analysis statistical analysis ANOVA

Bender Filmore, E.; Douglass, L.W.; Kramer, A.


406 Statistics in Biology: Statistical methods for research in the natural sciences, Volume 1 binomial distribution linear regression experimental designs

Bliss, C.I.


3014 Stats and stories : Storytelling for biodiversity Southeast Asia and beyond. Storytelling for biodiversity Southeast Asia and beyond. biodiversity economy of nature ecosystem Pseudoryxng hetinhensis urban biodiversity mangroves wetlands book

3117 Status and potential for the development of biofuels and rural renewable energy : The People's Republic of China. energy market renewable energy development agribusiness policies biofuel resource potentials biofuel production potential agricultural biofuel development book