List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
288 Supply, marketing, distribution and use of fertilizer in Indonesia Indonesia land use crop production pricing exports imports policy supply pattern demand distribution system marketing environmental protection book

289 Supply, marketing, distribution and use of fertilizer in the Philippines Philippines distribution marketing fertilizer industry supply consumption fertilizers subsidy environmental protection regulation control laws book

128 Support for human development education policy framework human development Asia Pacific region health book

14347 Supporting Community Forestry Enterprises (CFEs) with the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) - Policy Paper forests; livelihoods; Community Forestry Enterprises; small and medium enterprises book

2251 Supporting farmer decisions in response to climate risk. farmers cropping strategies rainfall infiltration precipitation weather monitoring design climatic variability site selection risks Mali Africa

Caldwell, John S. (ed.)

book jircas working report no. 49

30 Surges and volatility of private capital flows to Asian developing countries: implications for multilateral development banks. capital flows finance role Asian

Rana, Pradumna B.

book adb occasional papers no. 19

15826 Survey and characterization of indigenous food plants in Ilocos Norte, Philippines indigenous food plants; conservation; documentation; global positioning system; germplasm collection; Ilocos Norte

Antonio, Menisa A.; Utrera, Rodel T.; Agustin, Epifania O.; Jamias, Dionisio L.; Badar, Araceli J.; Pascua, Miriam E.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2011-2

1635 Survey toolbox for aquatic animal diseases : A practical manual and software package. Aquatic animal health animal diseases sampling principles surveys data management

Cameron, Angus

book aciar monograph no. 94

998 Survey toolbox for livestock diseases: A practical manual and software package for active surveillance in developing countries. animal diseases survey design survey analysis animal health

Cameron, Angus

book aciar monograph no.54

1658 Survival in the Sahel : An ecological and developmental challenge. agriculture research natural resources environmental degradation women sustainability Sahel Mali

Leisinger, Klaus M.; Schmitt, Karin (eds.)
