ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2785 | Sustainable pathways for attaining the millennium development goals: Cambodia case study - Special report. | ecosystem assessment ecosystem services climate change income | book |
2240 | Sustainable production systems of aquatic animals in brackish mangrove areas (2005). | fish larvae zooplankton fish nutrition mangroves phytoplankton biomass stock assessment crustaceans shrimp culture ponds food chain isotope sediment management soil quality marine animals shrimp aquaculture Benthic organisms black tiger shrimp arachidonic acid sea grapes rabbitfish viral nervous necrosis orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides Monodon shrimp fishcage culture | Koji Nakamura |
book | jircas working report no. 56 |
1935 | Sustainable production systems of aquatic animals in brackish mangrove areas. | Lutjanus johnii Epinephelus bleekeri Epinephelus coioides Lutjanus argentimaculatus snappers groupers migration feeding habit marine capture fisheries aquaculture zooplankton fisheries management marine catches reproductive performance mangrove fish fatty acid meiobenthic community sea bass sustainable production phosphorus prawn brackishwater aquaculture Malaysia Thailand Philippines | Ogawa, Y.; Ogata, H.Y.; Maeno, Y.; Shimoda, T.; Fujioka, Y.; Fukuda, Y. (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 35 |
2249 | Sustainable production systems of aquatic animals in brackish mangrove areas. | snappers, groupers, Lutjanus spp., Epinephelus spp., feeding habits, fishes, hyperbenthos, sediment management, phytoplankton, black tiger prawns, water quality, tank, Benthic organisms, shrimp aquaculture, mangrove, litter production, seaweeds, arachidonic acid, rabbitfish, betanodaviruses, | book | jircas working report no. 44 |
1690 | Sustainable recovery in Asia : Mobilising resources for development. | economic crisis investment infrastructure foreign savings financial sector capital markets expenditure reform capital flows | book |
2155 | Sustainable rural livelihoods : What contribution can we make? | livelihoods biodiversity aquatic resources forestry land tenure water irrigation diversification | Carney, Diana (eds.) |
book |
2711 | Sustainable stock management and development of aquaculture technology suitable for Southeast Asia. | stock management Lutjanus johnii Johnius carouna Epinephelus coioides mangrove estuaries Penaeus monodon Hypoxia fishes feeding habits crustaceans mysids shrimps fisheries sandfish sea cucumber zooplankton immunostimulation | Tanaka, K.; Morioka, S.; Watanabe, S. (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 75 |
2268 | Sustainable tourism: Challenges for the Philippines. | tourism ecotourism indigenous communities whale watching employment Philippines Sagada Mountain Province Bais City | Alampay, Ramon Benedicto A. (ed.) |
book |
4 | Sustaining agricultural and rural development in a globalizing Asia-Pacific. | rural-urban development agricultural mechanization postharvest modernization mountain village development forestry fisheries resources management fishery development | book |
112 | Sustaining lives on earth: a people's framework | Philippines, Philippine Agenda 21, sustainable development, poverty, | book |