ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
388 | Teaching strategies in livelihood and vocational education today | Vocational education teaching Pratical Arts farm mechanics farm meetings public relations cooperative development teaching objectives nonformal education manpower program farmers farm operation | Dagoon, J.D.; Dagoon, N.J.P. |
book |
2055 | Technical and institutional innovations to conservation farming and agroforestry: Components of sustainable watershed management. | watershed management conservation farming technology dissemination landcare LGU government Claveria Landcare Association | Mercado, Agustin R. Jr.; Garrity, Dennis P.; Catacutan, Delia C. |
book |
1671 | Technical and institutional issues in participatory plant breeding - from the perspective of formal plant breeding : A global analysis of issues, results, and current experience. | A global analysis of issues, results, and current experience. | plant breeding farmer participation | Weltzein, Eva; Smith, Margaret E.; Meitzner, Laura S.; Sperling, Louise |
book |
1920 | Technical guide on contract reforestation. | reforestation, map preparation, nurseries, seedling production, site preparation, fire prevention, soil conservation measures, planting programs, cost recovery, | book |
14417 | Technical guidelines for the safe movement of Musa germplasm | Musa; banana; abaca; virus diseases; diagnostic protocols | book |
286 | Technical manual on small-scale processing of fruits and vegetables | processing fruits vegetables food technology small enterprises production costs fruit processing vegetable processing food preservation quality control sanitary standards operating costs investments marketing | Paltrinieri, G.; Figuerola, F.; Rojas, L. |
book |
2520 | Technical report and manual of seed production of the climbing perch Anabas testudineus. | Anabas testudineus climbing perch morphology biology broodstock sexual maturation egg collection hormone injection egg quantity egg incubation larval rearing Rotifer Brachionus zooplankton Artemia nauplii artificial diets larvae juveniles fin development cannibalism stocking density | Shinsuke Morioka; Kazutaka Sakiyama; Sayaka Ito; Bounsong Vongvichith |
book | jircas working report no. 61 |
3135 | Technical writing for publication in journals and for presentation. | research paper writing problems journal graphs data interpreting oral presentation poster paper | Bautista, Ofelia K.; Rosario, Teresita L.; Bautista, Roberto K., Jr. |
book |
462 | Techniques and media for diagnosis, isolation, culture, storage, and biossay of Bacillus popilliae, Bacillus thuringiensis and Serratia sp. | diagnosis isolation culture storage biossay Bacillus popilliae Bacillus thuringiensis Serratia | book | prap leaflet no. 15 |
463 | Techniques and media for isolation, culture, storage, and biossay of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria brongniartii | pathogenesis isolation production storage biossay Metarhizium anisopliae Beauveria brongniartii | Reutlinger, Shlomo |
book | prap leaflet no. 14 |