ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1910 | The contributions of science to coastal zone management. | integrated coastal management environmental protection assessment habitats research monitoring modelling impact evaluation economic assessment | GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP); Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Envt'l Protection |
book | gesamp reports and studies no. 61 |
1834 | The Copenhagen declaration and programme of action: World summit for social development, 6-12 March 1995. | social development poverty employment unemployment social integration | book |
511 | The Cornell - Los Baños Story | Graduate education program | Turk, Kenneth L. |
book |
13107 | The cost of illness of exposure to elevated levels of PM10 in Baguio City central business district, Philippines | air pollution; air quality; morbidity; mortality; illness; health | Costales, Achilles; Catelo, Maria Angeles; Baldovino, Harvey; Bolislis, Winona; Bantasan, Dorothy |
book | eepsea research reports 2016-rr7 |
2738 | The cross border economies of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. | economy trade policy export import | Myers, Allen; Wharon, David (eds.) |
book |
14551 | The culture of efficiency - Technology in everyday life | technological innovations; information and communication technologies; internet | book |
850 | The cut flower industry: R&D issues | cut flower case studies industry trade Australia Malaysia Indonesia Philippines Thailand | book | aciar technical reports 39 |
13921 | The development of regulatory management systems in East Asia - Country studies | regulatory coherence; regulatory policy; regulatory management systems; Australia; Japan; Korea; New Zealand; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam; Malaysia; Singapore | book | eria research project fy2015 no. 04 |
1534 | The distribution and importance of arthropod pests and weeds of agriculture in Myanmar. | Arthropod pests : Pests of plants weeds rice pulses oil seed crops sugarcane cotton maize cruciferous crops solanaceous crops | Morris, Heather; Waterhouse, D.F. |
book |
2288 | The distributional impact of environmental policy: The case of carbon tax and energy pricing reform in Indonesia. | environmental policy energy policy carbon taxes fuel : prices subsidies energy pricing reform Indonesia | Yusuf, Arief Anshory |
book | research report no. 2008-rr1 |