ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
532 | The national agricultural research system in Malaysia | government research management organization of research public research research research institutions | Mohd. Yusof Hashim |
book | isnar working paper no.41 |
14603 | The national environmental education action plan 2018-2040 | education; sustainable development; environmental educational model; capacity building; curriculum; teaching and learning materials; monitoring and evaluation; Philippines | Chandra, Rona; Gunawardena, Channa |
book |
1305 | The nature and control of locusts. | locust life cycle feeding habit breeding areas outbreak development migration control | book | pcarrd book series no. 168/1999 |
1381 | The nature and properties of soils. | soil organic soils mineral soils organic matter micronutrients acidity alkalinity organisms nitrogen sulfur soil erosion fertilizer management pesticides chemical pollution animal manures recycling of wastes liming liquid fertilizers nitrification pH phosphorus | Brady, N.C. |
book |
1179 | The new industrial state. | industrial system capital employment motivation | Galbraith, J.K. |
book |
32 | The newly industrializing economies of Asia. | regional cooperation Thailand Singapore enterprises technology trade patterns | Kulessa, Manfred (ed.) |
book |
2717 | The nypa palm: nature's gift from the age of the dinosaurs. | Nipa uses leaf sap sugar production vinegar vodka alcohol botanical description propagation | Rasco, Eufemio T. Jr. |
book |
3066 | The official Australian reference guide to agricultural biotechnology and GM crops. | plant breeding mutagenesis agricultural biotechnology genetic modification | book |
538 | The organization of a small-country agricultural research systems with broad research demands: institutional diversity in Honduras | Case studies Management Organization of research Research Research policies Technology transfer Honduras | Contreras, Mario |
book | isnar small-countries study paper no.4 |
1418 | The peopling of Lantapan. | Population distribution population growth land resources | Paunlagui, M.M.; Sumingit, V. |
book | working paper no. 00-03 |