List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
424 The genus aspergillus Aspergillus pathogenicity cultivation morphology classification

Raper, Kenneth B.; Fennell, Dorothy I.


1827 The giant clam: an anatomical and histological atlas. clam shell Ctenidia labial palps adductor muscle byssal organ digestive system haemolymph system kidney gonads nervous system hyaline organs statocysts heart zooxanthellal tube system

Norton, J.H.; Jones, G.W.


1049 The giant clam: an ocean culture manual clams clam culture markets economics diseases pests predators juveniles

Calumpong, Hilconida P. (ed.)

book aciar monograph no.16

2345 The global challenge in services trade: A look at Philippine competitiveness. services higher education health services trade audiovisual services film industry television broadcasting information and communication technology business process outsourcing trade policy formation

Pasadilla, Gloria O.


1905 The global hrd consultant's and practitioner's handbook. human resource development language barrier consulting organizations teambuilding

Reynolds, Angus; Nadler, Leonard


2000 The governance of ecology: Struggles and insights in environmental statesmanship. governance statesmanship politics ecological governance environment indigenous people communities globalization protected areas

Ramos, V.O.


1318 The Grab Bag: Supplementary methods for assessing human well-being. forest management stakeholder identification Pebble Distribution Method

Pierce Colfer, Carol J.; et al.

book 6 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series

16536 The great society and the war on poverty: An economic legacy in essays and documents poverty; government policy

Burch, John R. Jr.


2208 The Greater Mekong Subregion tourism sector strategy. tourism monitoring financing development programs Greater Mekong Subregion book

1062 The green guide: a source on the Philippine environment environment legal environment directories Philippine Government Agencies nongovernmental organizations International finacing institutions experts industry associations consultancy firms research centers

Severino, Howie G. (ed.)
