ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15752 | The journey and beyond : SEARCA’s experiences in sustainable agriculture and community-based natural resources management | natural resource management; sustainable production systems; lowland agroecosystems; coastal ecosystems; IJRDP; Naujan Lake Project | Garcia, Arnulfo G.; Madid, Cassiophiea M. |
book |
15060 | The learning organization: Group dynamics, institutional linkages toward technology adoption, value-adding innovation, and sustainability | sustainable agriculture; rural development; case study; ARD; ISARD | Custodio, Pamela A.; Orencio, Pedcris M.; Bacusmo, Jose L.; Mores, Maria Concepcion L.; Amora, Isabelle Mae J.; Bandong, Ruth Jazrel M.; Malayang, Donna Bae N. |
book |
1026 | The Lingayen Gulf coastal area management plan | Lingayen Gulf fisheries management coastal zonation livelihood aquaculture development watershed coastal area coastal zonation maguey production peanut production saltmaking seaweed culture oyster farming property management zonation guidelines | book | iclarm technical report no.32 |
2751 | The local governance of common pool resources: The case of irrigation water in Cambodia. | irrigation water management governance community-based natural resource management | Chou, Chea |
book | cdri working paper series no. 47 |
858 | The major arthropod pests and weeds of agriculture in Southeast Asia: Distribution, Importance and Origin. | Arthropods biological control weeds weed control pests | Waterhouse, D.F. |
book | aciar monograph no.21 |
2561 | The McGraw-Hill guide to starting your own business: a step-by-step blueprint for the first-time entrepreneur. | business management entrepreneurial qualities customers business plan market product-service strategy promotional strategy capital requirement profit planning loan franchise financial statement | Harper, Stephen C. |
book |
1273 | The media in the service of human rights and development : Proceedings of the 14th international colloquium of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Tunis, 20-22 September 1981. | mass communication media | book |
192 | The medium-term agricultural development plan: key production areas, targets, and programs | grains production livestock development fisheries | book |
191 | The medium-term Philippine development plan, 1993-1998. | Philippines grains production livestock development program commercial crops fisheries management | book |
980 | The milk fat globule: Emulsion science as applied to milk products and comparable foods | milk fat crystallization fat emulsion fat dispersion homogenization milk products butter | Mulder, H.; Walstra, P. |
book |