List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2540 The impact of trade liberalization and industrial pollution: Empirical evidence from Vietnam. free trade manufacturing industries factory and trade waste pollutants trade reforms trade liberalization industrial pollution sensitivity analysis Vietnam

Pham Thai Hung; Bui Anh Tuan; Nguyen The Chinh

book research report no. 2008-rr5

1886 The impact of water on the poor : Summary of an impact evaluation study of selected ADB water supply and sanitation projects. water water supply sanitation poverty water conservation financial assistance projects book water for all, series 9

2542 The impacts of coal mining on the economy and environment of South Kalimantan Province. coal mines and mining coal trade public opinion coal industry environmental impacts economic development Indonesia

Luthfi Fatah

book research report no. 2007-rr2

2034 The implementation of effluent taxes for Cambodian industry: An assessment of pollutant levies. effluent taxes effluent fee management water pollution factory and trade waste Cambodia

Muong, Sideth


1029 The integrated management plan for Segara Anakan-Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia coastal resources coastal area management zonation pollution resource exploitation water quality sediment infilling environmental quality book iclarm technical report no.34

1599 The international competitiveness of Asian economies in the apparel commodity chain. Apparel commodity chain retailers marketers manufacturers

Gereffi, Gary

book erd working paper series no. 5

15869 The islanders small-scale fishermen adaptation toward climate change impacts in Malaysia climate change adaptation; small-scale fishermen; Malaysia

Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah; Hayrol Azril Mohamed Shaffril; D'Silva, Jeffrey Lawrence

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2021-2

15752 The journey and beyond : SEARCA’s experiences in sustainable agriculture and community-based natural resources management natural resource management; sustainable production systems; lowland agroecosystems; coastal ecosystems; IJRDP; Naujan Lake Project

Garcia, Arnulfo G.; Madid, Cassiophiea M.


15060 The learning organization: Group dynamics, institutional linkages toward technology adoption, value-adding innovation, and sustainability sustainable agriculture; rural development; case study; ARD; ISARD

Custodio, Pamela A.; Orencio, Pedcris M.; Bacusmo, Jose L.; Mores, Maria Concepcion L.; Amora, Isabelle Mae J.; Bandong, Ruth Jazrel M.; Malayang, Donna Bae N.


1026 The Lingayen Gulf coastal area management plan Lingayen Gulf fisheries management coastal zonation livelihood aquaculture development watershed coastal area coastal zonation maguey production peanut production saltmaking seaweed culture oyster farming property management zonation guidelines book iclarm technical report no.32