ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14425 | The impact of Musa International Transit Centre - Review of its services and cost-effectiveness, and recommendations for rationalizations of its operations | Musa germplasm; impact assessment; distribution; utilization; conservation cost; service evaluation | Garming, Hildegard; Roux, Nicolas; Van den Houwe, Ines |
book |
15724 | The impact of SEAMEO SEARCA Graduate Scholarship Program on fellows of selected institutions in the Philippines | graduate scholarship | Cedicol, Editha C. |
book |
1843 | The impact of sectoral development on natural forest conversion and degradation : The case of timber and tree crop plantations in Indonesia. | timber plantations tree crop plantations forest conversion environmental degradation policies land use | Kartodihardjo, H.; Supriono, A. |
book | occasional paper no. 26(e) |
2540 | The impact of trade liberalization and industrial pollution: Empirical evidence from Vietnam. | free trade manufacturing industries factory and trade waste pollutants trade reforms trade liberalization industrial pollution sensitivity analysis Vietnam | Pham Thai Hung; Bui Anh Tuan; Nguyen The Chinh |
book | research report no. 2008-rr5 |
1886 | The impact of water on the poor : Summary of an impact evaluation study of selected ADB water supply and sanitation projects. | water water supply sanitation poverty water conservation financial assistance projects | book | water for all, series 9 |
2542 | The impacts of coal mining on the economy and environment of South Kalimantan Province. | coal mines and mining coal trade public opinion coal industry environmental impacts economic development Indonesia | Luthfi Fatah |
book | research report no. 2007-rr2 |
2034 | The implementation of effluent taxes for Cambodian industry: An assessment of pollutant levies. | effluent taxes effluent fee management water pollution factory and trade waste Cambodia | Muong, Sideth |
book |
1029 | The integrated management plan for Segara Anakan-Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia | coastal resources coastal area management zonation pollution resource exploitation water quality sediment infilling environmental quality | book | iclarm technical report no.34 |
1599 | The international competitiveness of Asian economies in the apparel commodity chain. | Apparel commodity chain retailers marketers manufacturers | Gereffi, Gary |
book | erd working paper series no. 5 |
15869 | The islanders small-scale fishermen adaptation toward climate change impacts in Malaysia | climate change adaptation; small-scale fishermen; Malaysia | Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah; Hayrol Azril Mohamed Shaffril; D'Silva, Jeffrey Lawrence |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2021-2 |