ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
500 | The biosafety results of field tests of genetically modified plants and microorganisms | biosafety biotechnology risk assessment | Matsui, S.; Miyazaki, S.; Kasamo, K. (eds.) |
book | jircas international symposium series no.5 |
838 | The breeding of horticultural crops | Fruit crops Vegetable crops Ornamental plants Genetic resources Plant breeding | Woo-Nang Chang; Opena, R.T.; Petersen, John Bay (eds.) |
book | fftc book series no.35 |
3001 | The challenge of establishing REDD+ on the ground: Insights from 23 subnational initiatives in six countries. | greenhouse gas emissions; forest conservation; climate change; REDD+ | Sunderlin, William D.; Andini Desita Ekaputri; Sills, Erin O.; Duchelle, Amy E.; Kweka, Demetrius; Diprose, Rachael; Doggart, Nike; Ball, Steve; Lima, Rebecca; Enright, Adrian; Torres, Jorge; Hartanto, Herlina; Toniolo, Angelica |
book |
2452 | The challenge of Mindoro: Report of the quick response investigation of the Mindoro island earthquake in the Philippines on 15 November 1994. | earthquake fault tsunami liquefaction infrastructure relief pre-disaster measures post-disaster measures Mindoro | book |
2424 | The challenge of production system sustainability: Long-term studies in agronomic research in dry areas : Abstracts of presentations and workshop conclusions. | wheats sorghum millets cowpeas rice feed legumes grain legumes feed cereals on-farm research rainfed farming dry farming farming systems natural resources resource management pastures tillage crop residues sustainability crop yield chemicophysical properties soil cracking soil structure land management fertilizer application watersheds ley farming | Jones, M.J. (ed.) |
book |
1316 | The CIFOR criteria and indicators generic template. | sustainability forest management indicators policy ecology | book | 2 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series |
2243 | The clustering approach to agroenterprise development for small farmers: The CRS-Philippine experience - A guidebook for facilitators. | agroenterprise human development farmers marketing clusters | book |
2964 | The clustering approach to agroenterprsie development for small farmers: The CRS-Philippine Experience. | agroenterprise small farmers cluster strengthening market chain study cluster formation test marketing scaling up agroenterprise development network clustering approach Impasugong squash farmers | Catholic Relief Services - USCCB |
book |
18 | The coastal environment profile of Brunei Darussalam: resource assessment and management issues. | Brunei coastal waters coastal fisheries resource management geography drainage soils climate coastal resources population profile physical environment land use economic pollution legal framework coastal erosion | Chua Thia-Eng; Chuo Loke Ming; Sadorra, M.S.M. (eds.) |
book | iclarm technical reports 18 |
1020 | The coastal environmental profile in Singapore | Singapore coastal land coastal waters economic resources petroleum industry marine industry power generation fisheries aquaculture pollution tourism coastal resources coastal area management | Chia Lin Sien; Habibullah Khan; Chou Loke Ming |
book | iclarm technical reports no.21 |