List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1806 Ten tools for managing change in national agricultural research organizations. research management research institutions change

Hobbs, S.H.

book research management guidelines no. 5

370 Tenth Congress - Republic Act No. 8550 : an act providing for the development, management and conservation of the fisheries and aquatic resources,integrating all laws pertinent thereto, and for other purposes Philippines municipal fisheries commercial fisheries aquaculture postharvest facilities fisheries resource aquatic resources penalties book

2709 Terminal report of IRRI/ADB project : development and use of hybrid rice in Asia 1998 to 2001 : catalyzing the development of hybrid rice in ... hybrid rice food security environmental protection employment technology seed industry commercialization book

1971 Testing savings product innovations using an experimental methodology. product innovation production evaluation survey design microfinance product development

Ashraf, Nava; Karlan, Dean S.; Yin, Wesley

book erd technical note series no. 8

1673 That we may live : Report of the Fifth Asian Development Forum "Food and Freedom, Jobs and Justice, Land and Labor, Peace and Prosperity: Towards an Asian Development Agenda for the Year 2000". sustainable development food security nongovernmental organizations community enterprises sustainable agriculture community-based natural resource management Green Revolution book

2792 The 3rd Asia Pacific Agriculture Policy Forum - Proceedings. agriculture trade livestock products cooperatives livestock diseases feedgrain demand beef markets water resource infrastructure food production agricultural marketing book

15160 The 4th Philippine graduate tracer study: Examining higher education as a pathway to employment, citizenship, and life satisfaction from the learner's perspective education; employment; sociopolitical participation; college experience; tracer study

Tutor, Melba V.; Orbeta Jr., Aniceto C.; Miraflor, James M.B.

book research paper series no. 2021-05

2471 The 5th JIRCAS International Symposium on Postharvest technology in Asia - A step forward to stable supply of food products. postharvest technology grain storage preservation methyl bromide biological control aflatoxin grain quality food industries

Nawa, Y.; Takagi, H.; Noguchi, A.; Tsubota, K. (eds.)


13123 The 7th Asia Pacific Agriculture Policy Forum agro food; policy reform; agricultural negotiations; regional cooperation; agri-business; agro-food industries; environment; ag-flation; agriculture research management; bio-diversity; bio-security; agriculture; research and development; environmental sustainability; off-farm income and rural development (AARDO); human resource development; institutional reform book

13935 The 9th ASAE International Conference 2017: Transformation in agricultural and food economy in Asia, Parts 1-5 rural transformation; agriculture; sustainable development; consumer behavior; food consumption; food; value chain development; technology adoption; mobile phones; trade agreements; international cooperation; demographic changes; agricultural production; DNA fingerprinting; climate change adaptation; rice sector; resilience; risks; rural development; insurance market; agricultural insurance; cultivars; microcredit; tenant farmers; Asia book