ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15623 | Technology transfer and business development | intellectual property; business incubation; technology transfer; innovation | book |
1150 | Technology transfer and sustainable development | technology transfer appropriate technology sustainable development indicators | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
607 | Technology verification through on-farm trials (TVOFT): Training Manual | technology development agroforestry on-farm trials land resource evaluation | Del Castillo, R.A.; Dalmacio, R.V.; Lasco, R.D.; Lawas, N.R. (eds.) |
book |
1806 | Ten tools for managing change in national agricultural research organizations. | research management research institutions change | Hobbs, S.H. |
book | research management guidelines no. 5 |
370 | Tenth Congress - Republic Act No. 8550 : an act providing for the development, management and conservation of the fisheries and aquatic resources,integrating all laws pertinent thereto, and for other purposes | Philippines municipal fisheries commercial fisheries aquaculture postharvest facilities fisheries resource aquatic resources penalties | book |
2709 | Terminal report of IRRI/ADB project : development and use of hybrid rice in Asia 1998 to 2001 : catalyzing the development of hybrid rice in ... | hybrid rice food security environmental protection employment technology seed industry commercialization | book |
1971 | Testing savings product innovations using an experimental methodology. | product innovation production evaluation survey design microfinance product development | Ashraf, Nava; Karlan, Dean S.; Yin, Wesley |
book | erd technical note series no. 8 |
1673 | That we may live : Report of the Fifth Asian Development Forum "Food and Freedom, Jobs and Justice, Land and Labor, Peace and Prosperity: Towards an Asian Development Agenda for the Year 2000". | sustainable development food security nongovernmental organizations community enterprises sustainable agriculture community-based natural resource management Green Revolution | book |
2792 | The 3rd Asia Pacific Agriculture Policy Forum - Proceedings. | agriculture trade livestock products cooperatives livestock diseases feedgrain demand beef markets water resource infrastructure food production agricultural marketing | book |
15160 | The 4th Philippine graduate tracer study: Examining higher education as a pathway to employment, citizenship, and life satisfaction from the learner's perspective | education; employment; sociopolitical participation; college experience; tracer study | Tutor, Melba V.; Orbeta Jr., Aniceto C.; Miraflor, James M.B. |
book | research paper series no. 2021-05 |