List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2337 Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY): Providing social support, savings, and microcredit opportunities for young women in areas with high HIV prevalence. adolescents lending microfinance

Erulkar, Annabel; Bruce, Judith; Dondo, Aleke; Sebstad, Jennefer; Matheka, James; Khan, Arjmand Banu; Gathuku, Ann

book seeds

2284 Tariff reduction, carbon emissions, and poverty: An economy-wide assessment for the Philippines. carbon tax environmental policy environmental protection pollution tariff carbon emissions poverty global warming energy utilization Philippines

Corong, Erwin L.

book research report no. 2006-rr8

14121 Taste of agroforestry agroforestry; climate-smart agriculture; food security; farmers; livelihood; local vegetables; menus; recipes book

2707 Teaching agrobiodiversity: a curriculum guide for higher education. agrobiodiversity food security higher education global change climate change conservation livelihoods food and nutrition traditional knowledge environmental services value chains breeding

Rudebjer, Per; van Schagen, Boudy; Chakeredza, Sebastian; Njoroge, Kiarie; Kamau, Henry; Baena, Margarita


523 Teaching and workshop methods in agriculture: A handbook for planners, instructors and administrators teaching workshop organizing

Shute, J.C.M.; Moore, G.A.B.


16535 Teaching grammar through literature: Bringing language to life in the secondary classroom English language; Grammar

Fenn, Rachel; McGlynn, Anna


13143 Teaching module on climate change and rice production climate change; rice production; greenhouse effect; global warming; adaptation; mitigation; vermicomposting; ecological farming; integrated crop management system; floating garden; Palayamanan system book

388 Teaching strategies in livelihood and vocational education today Vocational education teaching Pratical Arts farm mechanics farm meetings public relations cooperative development teaching objectives nonformal education manpower program farmers farm operation

Dagoon, J.D.; Dagoon, N.J.P.


2055 Technical and institutional innovations to conservation farming and agroforestry: Components of sustainable watershed management. watershed management conservation farming technology dissemination landcare LGU government Claveria Landcare Association

Mercado, Agustin R. Jr.; Garrity, Dennis P.; Catacutan, Delia C.


1671 Technical and institutional issues in participatory plant breeding - from the perspective of formal plant breeding : A global analysis of issues, results, and current experience. A global analysis of issues, results, and current experience. plant breeding farmer participation

Weltzein, Eva; Smith, Margaret E.; Meitzner, Laura S.; Sperling, Louise
