List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
461 Techniques and media for isolation, culture, storage, mounting and biossay of entomopathogenic steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes pathogenesis isolation multiplication storage mounting biossay Entomopathogenic steinermatid heterorhabditid nematodes book prap leaflet no. 16

1195 Techniques for project appraisal under uncertainty. probability appraisal

Reutlinger, Shlomo

book world bank staff occasional papers no.10

689 Technological change in postharvest handling and transportation of grains in the humid tropics postharvest technical aspects economic aspects storage modelling case studies postharvest handling grains rice processing

Champ, B.R.; Highley, E.; Remenyi, J.V. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.19

2529 Technological innovations in Japan and S&T experiences in the Philippines: Drawing policy lessons for the Philippines. technological innovation appropriate technology government policies research and development manpower development science and technology incentive system delivery system

Cororaton, Caesar B.

book pids research paper series no. 2002-04

93 Technological options for food security in grains food security grains rice corn yield trends technologies productivity growth

Rola, A.C.; San Valentin, G.O.; Dumayas, E.E.

book cpds working paper no. 97-09

1736 Technological spillovers from foreign direct investment - A survey. spillover effect foreign direct investment Industrialization Theories

Xiaoqin Fan, Emma

book erd working paper series no. 33

516 Technologies for sustainable agriculture on marginal uplands in Southeast Asia: Proceedings of a seminar held at Ternate, Cavite Philippines, Dec 10-14, 1990. Philippines Australia Indonesia Malaysia Thailand sustainability developing countries upland development sustainable development technology adoption policy research soil management crop technology cost-benefit analysis

Blair, G.; Lefroy, R. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.33

2067 Technologies for sustainable forest management: Challenges for the 21st century. forest management sustainability technology biodiversity conservation trees

Sayer, J.A.; Vanclay, J.K.; Byron, N.


15526 Technology and investment profile of batuan products investment; technology; financial viability; batuan fruit; food products; uses

Sobrevega, Peter S.; Arroyo, Corazon A.; Amit, Elizabeth F.; Garpa, Nora T.; Aragon, Corazon T.; Quilloy, Antonio Jesus A.; Billedo, Nikka Marie P.; Paller, Rebeka A.


15527 Technology and investment profile of cacao wine technology; financial viability; investment; cacao wine; wine making

Bihis, Dennis L.; Calanasan, Flore May F.; Mejia, Emilio M. Jr.; Aragon, Corazon T.; Quicoy, Cesar B.; Billedo, Nikka Marie P.; Paller, Rebeka A.
