List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13997 Sustainable development goal 5: How does the Philippines fare on gender equality gender equality; women; gender gap; government; family planning; violence; workforce

David, Clarissa C.; Albert, Jose Ramon G.; Vizmanos, Jana Flor V.

book research paper series no. 2018-04

1573 Sustainable development: Asian and Pacific perspectives sustainable development natural resource management Agenda 21 regional institutions linkages book

2115 Sustainable fishery management in Asia. sustainable fisheries fishery management overfishing aquaculture Asia book

477 Sustainable food production in Sub-Saharan Africa: 1 IITA's contributions food production crop management crop improvement research planning genetics management sustainability plant health management book

478 Sustainable food production in Sub-Saharan Africa: 2 Constraints and opportunities sustainability, food production, human resources, physical resources, agricultural development, book

484 Sustainable food production in the Asian and Pacific Region Korea Japan Taiwan New Zealand Vietnam Malaysia Philippines Indonesia Thailand food production sustainability organic farming technology food security supply and demand book fftc book series no.46

2210 Sustainable food security for all by 2020: Proceedings of an international conference, 4-6 September 2001, Bonn, Germany. food supply forecasting food relief population food security poverty globalization World Trade Organizations agricultural policies climate change water sustainable food production food insecurity empowering women governance industrialized countries book

2200 Sustainable inland fisheries management in Bangladesh. community based fisheries management property rights inland fisheries participatory management flood control drainage irrigation systems multimedia carp stocking water quality floodplain fish biodiversity fishing gear fingerling stocking

Middendorp, Hans A.J.; Thompson, Paul M.; Pomeroy, Robert S. (eds.)


2947 Sustainable integrated management and planning for local government ecosystems (SIMPLE). land use planning sound territorial development trainer pool formation investment programming Zoning ordinance

Lange, Andreas; Astilla, Cecilia; Nuevas, Dolores


2603 Sustainable intensification of Rabi cropping in southern Bangladesh using wheat and mungbean. wheat production climate land availability fertilizer and water requirements plant breeding Rabi mungbean

Rawson, H.M (ed.)

book aciar technical reports no. 78