List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2966 Studying food supply and distribution systems to cities in developing countries and countries in transition. food supply distribution system urban population urban growth interdisciplinary approach book

3082 Success stories on ICT ICM in AR4D in Asia and the Pacific Region ICT knowledge services cyber extension mass media community radio impact book

1553 Successful community development. Bangladesh China India Indonesia Iran Japan Korea Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam integrated community development book

811 Sugarcane germplasm conservation and exchange : Report of an international workshop held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Jun 28-30, 1995 Sugarcane Germplasm Plant production Quarantine Plant diseases Pests

Croft, B.J.; Piggin, E.S.; Hogarth, D.M.

book aciar proceedings no.67

2429 Sugarcane high-yielding varieties. sugarcane varieties book information bulletin no. 248/2006

655 Sulfur fertilizer policy for lowland and upland rice cropping systems in Indonesia rice sulphur fertilizers fertilizer industry NPK fertilizers

Blair, G.; Lefroy, R. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.29

2111 Summary of the handbook on resettlement: A guide to good practice. economic development projects land settlement monitoring resettlement land acquisition income restoration book

782 Summary proceedings of a workshop on trends and prospects of cassava in the third world cassava yield economics consumption

Sarma, J.S. (ed.)


2864 Supermarkets, smallholders and livelihood prospects in selected Asian countries. supermarkets smallholders

Gaiha, Raghav; Thapa, Ganesh


2370 Supply chain environmental management: Lessons from leaders in the electronics industry. supply chain management electronics industry

Krut, Riva; Karasin, Leslie
