ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1334 | Studies on embryo transfer in animals (1993-1995). | livestock development superovulation follicular development fertilization | book |
861 | Studies on nematodes affecting bananas in the Philippines | banana biology ecology nematodes Radopholus similis cavendish biological control yield loss Moloidogyne incognita root knot nematode | Davide, R.G. |
book |
1626 | Studies on the nutrition aspects of indigenous fruits, vegetables and some processed foods in Indonesia. | Food composition dietary fiber fruits vegetables | book |
2966 | Studying food supply and distribution systems to cities in developing countries and countries in transition. | food supply distribution system urban population urban growth interdisciplinary approach | book |
3082 | Success stories on ICT ICM in AR4D in Asia and the Pacific Region | ICT knowledge services cyber extension mass media community radio impact | book |
1553 | Successful community development. | Bangladesh China India Indonesia Iran Japan Korea Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam integrated community development | book |
811 | Sugarcane germplasm conservation and exchange : Report of an international workshop held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Jun 28-30, 1995 | Sugarcane Germplasm Plant production Quarantine Plant diseases Pests | Croft, B.J.; Piggin, E.S.; Hogarth, D.M. |
book | aciar proceedings no.67 |
2429 | Sugarcane high-yielding varieties. | sugarcane varieties | book | information bulletin no. 248/2006 |
655 | Sulfur fertilizer policy for lowland and upland rice cropping systems in Indonesia | rice sulphur fertilizers fertilizer industry NPK fertilizers | Blair, G.; Lefroy, R. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.29 |
2111 | Summary of the handbook on resettlement: A guide to good practice. | economic development projects land settlement monitoring resettlement land acquisition income restoration | book |