ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2555 | Southeast Asian affairs 2008. | regional economy bilateral relations political uncertainty economic growth ASEAN Southeast Asia Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Timor Leste Vietnam | Singh, Daljit; Tin Maung Maung Than (eds.) |
book |
254 | Southeast Asian Agribusiness: Advanced agribusiness, course & seminar materials | case studies agribusiness policy formulation case method | Drilon, J.D., et al. |
book | agribusiness management resource materials, volume iii |
2328 | Southland: A case study-based training exercise in policy analysis for the agricultural and rural sector. | lower middle-income country population health statistics administration labor statistics agricultural inputs agricultural land rural population food security environment | book |
2826 | Sowing the seeds of rice science: achievements and future directions for training at IRRI. | training programs graduate degree scholars employment | Molina, Imelda R.; Castillo, Gelia T.; Barker, Randolph; Castanar, Pamela; Magor, Noel |
book |
13610 | Soyamazing stories from the field: Results from soybean R and D program | soybeans; production | book |
1703 | Soybean production and post harvest technology : For innovation in Indonesia. | soybean seeds integrated pest management varieties cultivation nematode Meloidogyne graminicola fermented foods | Rahmianna, A.A.; Nikkuni, S. (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 24 |
1586 | Soybean varieties. | Land preparation water management fertilization crop protection pests of plants plant diseases weed control harvesting soybeans varieties | book | information bulletin no. 224/2002 |
1284 | Soybeans: Improvement, production, and uses. | morphology cytogenetics qualitative genetics varietal development mineral nutrition nitrogen fixation photosynthesis seed metabolism weed control plant diseases nematodes insect pests markets | Caldwell, B.E. (ed.) |
book |
161 | Special and differential treatments of developing countries in the Uruguay round agricultural negotiations | agricultural policies liberalization GATT trade policies employment | Clarete, Ramon L. |
book | rtpap working paper no.90-01 |
2143 | Special credit programs for the poorest: A study of Grameen Bank replication programs in the Philippines. | credit programs microfinance | Takayoshi Amenomori; Ursua, Maryline |
book |