List of Books : 3864

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2431 Strengthening meteorological services for agriculture: Proceedings of the farm resources and systems forum, 8th of a series. agrometeorology phenological data collection agroclimatic data climatic variability crop weather calendars climatic resource inventory rice yields rainwater storage agrometeorological forecast book book series no. 70/1988

2701 Strengthening the climate change adaptation planning capability of local government units. climate change adaptation planning initiatives national government local government units

Peñalba, Linda M.; Elazegui, Dulce D.; Pulhin, Juan M.; Cruz, Rex Victor O.; Esmero, Enrica C.


1970 Strengthening the economic analysis of natural resource management projects. natural resource management projects economic analysis poverty reduction

Ward, Keith

book erd technical note series no. 7

1554 Structural adjustment in agriculture in Asia and the Pacific Bangladesh China Fiji India Indonesia Iran Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Agro-food system liberalization agriculture food security structural adjustment book

175 Structural Adjustment of Agriculture in Asia and the Pacific agricultural structures agrarian structures sustainability rural labor land tenure price policy trade book

1510 Structural adjustments in Agriculture in Asia Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam macroeconomic policies agricultural structure trade liberalization agricultural sector agriculture developing countries rural development economic policies book

1921 Structure and functions of biomembranes. cells cell membranes membrane composition energy conversion chemical signals membrane transport lipids proteins biogenesis molecular mechanisms

Kotyk, Arnost


314 Studies in rural savings mobilization rural areas households savings mobilization education income credit interest rates deposit mobilization rural banks book

1334 Studies on embryo transfer in animals (1993-1995). livestock development superovulation follicular development fertilization book

861 Studies on nematodes affecting bananas in the Philippines banana biology ecology nematodes Radopholus similis cavendish biological control yield loss Moloidogyne incognita root knot nematode

Davide, R.G.
