ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2505 | Spiny lobster aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region : Proceedings of an international symposium held at Nha Trang, Vietnam, 9-10 December 2008. | lobster seacage culture Panulirus ornatus aquaculture stocking density Perna virdis nutritional requirements feeds Vietnam Indonesia | Williams, Kevin C. (ed.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 132 |
2012 | Spiny lobster ecology and exploitation in the South China Sea region : Proceedings of a workshop held at the Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, July 2004. | lobster aquaculture cage culture stock assessment larval dispersal mussel Panulirus ornatus Philippines Malaysia Vietnam | Williams, K.C. (ed.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 120 |
432 | Spore- and seed-bearing plants of Mount Pulag, Benguet, Philippines | mountain plants Philippines | Aguilar, N.O.; Cardenas, L.B.; Cajano, M.A.O. |
book |
1414 | Spread of IPM-FFS knowledge : Lessons learned from rice farming communities. | Integrated pest management farmer field school | Rola, A.C.; Quizon, J.; Jamias, S.B.; Paunlagui, M.M.; Provido, Z.S. |
book | working paper no. 00-07 |
2174 | Sri Lankan women and men as bioresource managers. | gender women men bioresources social diversity biological diversity agrobiodiversity agricultural practices gender roles tribal community forest resources wood forest products non-wood forest products | book |
2113 | Stabilization of rice culture under water stress in the tropics using a broader spectrum of genetic resources. | rice blast resistant varieties rice production water stress rainfed lowland water uptake root morphology water use efficiency genetic control root development | Motohiko Kondo; Hiroshi Kato |
book |
1135 | Stable upland farming in the Philippines: problems and prospects | upland farming philippines human population | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
15780 | Stakeholders Forum: A forward-looking and transformative agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia | agribusiness models; productivity; income; resilient farming systems; natural resources; food and nutrition security; transformational leadership; gender and youth engagement; agricultural and rural development; ecohealth; onehealth; proceedings | book |
3056 | Standard Evaluation System for Rice (SES). | agronomic traits rice hybrids evaluation traits rice diseases rice injuries physiochemical stress morphological characters grain quality scoring system | book |
16635 | Starting small: Building a macroeconometric model of the Philippine economy | macroeconometric modeling; model structure; evaluation; impact analysis | Debuque-Gonzales, Margarita; Corpus, John Paul P. |
book | research paper series no. 2023-05 |